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Monday, June 3, 2013

The Sun's Out...

After a lot of rain, the sun's shining & everything is drying out.  Too bad that also means there's a lot of mold growing.  As bad as allergies can be for me, mold can be even worse.   My allergy meds do next to nothing  on the matter of mold.

We went shopping this morning & ran some errands.  Even though the storm & flood damage wasn't that bad in my area as it was in others, the crews were still out.  They were tending to low-water bridges & fallen limbs.  It's going to be a while before some folks around here get completely back to normal, even longer for those who actually had to deal with tornadoes.  

Right now, I'm just thankful my roomie & I didn't have to deal with any of this.   We've had enough on our plates without storm damage as well.  


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