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Monday, June 10, 2013


Less than a year ago, the activists of the world were calling for an AIDS-Free generation.   They were so happy, enthusiastic & utterly sure their goal could be met.   I pointed out some things then like accessibility & stigma that could impede their goals.  But the obstacle most of us discussed was costs, pure & simple.  

These hopeful people made all these plans for a grand world without HIV, yet did little to actually gain the means to pay for it.  They've pointed to pharmaceutical companies, governments, churches & rich people.  Guess what?  That's not working.  None of these agents are fully willing & possibly not even capable of footing this enormous bill.

Regardless of the could's or should's, the point is the money isn't there.  Articles are coming out daily talking about lack of funds for testing here or treatment there.  Whether it's in the poorest countries or the wealthier nations, the money isn't showing up like they thought it would.

It's fine to be a dreamer.  But at some point in order for those aspirations to become reality, there has to be more of a plan, then just a motto.  There has to be a means to facilitate the matter.  Most of all, the costs have to be covered.  Like the song says, "Money changes everything."


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