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Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Little Cooler...

The weather has cooled down a bit from yesterday.  It's stills sticky but not as hot.  A cooler Summer would be nice.  Even if it does mean more mowing.  It seems we've hit another lull in articles for now.  With that, I think I'll just be happy with the weather.

The sound of fans has returned.  It hasn't reached it's terrible roar yet, but I know that's coming.  I'm thankful for the air they move about, but that noise can be very draining.  When I was little this was my favorite season.  That was before Hell Summers & taking meds that reacted to heat. 

Still I like it better than Spring.  Spring's usually just a bit too wet & dreary for me.  I mostly prefer Fall these days.  It reminds me more of what Summer was like when I was a kid.  I think most of my better childhood memories were during summertime.  Mostly they were just being in a car with the wind blowing through the windows with the radio blaring as we sailed down the road.  Simple, I know, but it was pleasant.


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