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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today... June

It's fairly nice today, that was not the case the last few days.  We got about 2.5" of rain yesterday & nearly 6" in the last week.  Notably, we're under a flood watch.    The electric kept popping & the net dropping so doing anything online was next to impossible.  I'm still trying to catch up on all the things I wanted to do yesterday.

Even with all the bad weather, it's been good for sleeping.  I usually sleep fairly well in storms.  At least there's that, I'm well rested.  

I can't believe it's already June.  It's June & we have yet to turn on the air conditioner.   Usually the AC's on sometime in early May.   It's great for our electric bill.  It's been great for the cats as well.  They don't usually fair well in the heat.

May was a weird month.   It seemed like it was hardly here & then it was gone.  During the 1st part of the month were getting ready for my roomie's uncle & then the rest of the month just evaporated.  So, until next year May.  Hello June.

Wherever you are, I hope your having good weather.


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