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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Warming Up...

We're not hot here yet, which is amazing for Oklahoma, but we're warming up.  We're supposed to be in the 90's F most of the week.  Things are going relatively well, weather-wise.

I wish they were going as well neighbor-wise.   Our new neighbors have none of the qualities we'd hoped for & all the ones we didn't.  
  • They're loud
  • They have tons of children
  • They have loud trucks
  • They have dogs
  • They seem to live outdoors
  • They have no concept of an indoor voice
So far they're a failure as neighbors.  Hopefully they won't last long.  Maybe the house will burn down again. That'd be nice.  

What is it with people needing to own the absolute loudest vehicle they can?  Or, having dogs they don't want to play with, so the animals whine all day?    Why not take your drama indoors?


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