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Sunday, June 16, 2013

It Stays With Me...

I've seen blips here & there about the idea of, "It stays with me," in reference to HIV.  There's research out there saying anywhere from 50 - 80% of gay men infected with the virus, contracted it from partners who were unaware they were +.  That number is huge.  Even if the number is less, it's still too high.

With all the testing, education & access to condoms, we should be able to greatly limit the spread of HIV.  We are in some populations, but not others.  It's up to you to protect yourself as much as possible.

Let's say you roll craps & wind up +.   Now what?  That's where this sentiment comes in, "It stays with me."  I may have been infected, but I can make sure I don't infect anyone else.   We're not brain-craving zombies here.

We can take our meds & lower our detectable levels.  We can inform our partners of our status.  We can make sure protection is always used.  Or, we can simply opt not to engage in sexual activity with others.

OMG, no sex, are you kidding?  NO, I'm not.  I played safe & wound up +.  I will not knowingly risk anyone else's life just for sex.  I couldn't live with myself knowing after all I've gone through, I'd infected another person.  Quite frankly if someone can live with that or even the chance of it, I don't want to know them.  You had your time on the ride & it came up bust, accept it & move on with your life.

I may be +, but I can make sure it stays with me.


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