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Friday, June 21, 2013

Jinxed It...

I had to go & wish for an uneventful Summer.  Well the van shot that down.  We were headed out to see a movie in Fort Smith & the damn thing starts to shudder & make noise.  It sounds like a bad tire, but they all seemed alright.  The noise was worse when the AC was on.   So back  home we went.

We dropped the damned dodge off at the mechanic shop.   I hate not knowing what's wrong with almost as much I do the fact there's something else wrong with the blasted thing at all.  No more America cars, they're money pits.  FIX..FIX...FIX.  That's all we've done with this car.

We're waiting for them to call & I'm not in the mood to really blog.  I'm too focused on what it could be.  Hopefully, it won't be too bad.


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