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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wrap Up...

The 1st full week of December is behind us & it's been a weird month.  It's been way too warm & I've been incredibly busy.  Neither of which I appreciate.  

The warm weather is supposed to drop off this evening.  It's looking like we'll be back to leaving on the faucets at night for a while.  This up & down stuff isn't pleasant.  We've had the windows open the better part of the last month.  Now, it's time to shut it all down again.

Last week was strange for us.  We had something that had to be dealt with every day.  Most people deal with that all the time, but I don't & it left me worn out.  I'm still trying to catch up.  I hate this.  I never realize how off my health is until something like that comes along & smacks me in the face with it.  Hey, wake up you're + & your energy levels suck.  There should totally be little hearts or energy cans you can occasionally jump up & grab.

I got my stretches in & some steps done.  I still have to deal with some household stuff, so I'm not sure how much else I'll get done today.  I really dislike days when just loading the dishwasher is a planned-for event.


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