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Monday, December 31, 2012

Off To The Dentist & Happy New Year...

I'm going to the dentist today to get the 2nd part of a crown replacement.  That leaves me with just 2 more old tin-can types to get rid of over the next year or so, as I can afford them.  It's going to be a dreary ride over to Fort Smith.  It's been over cast for days & the dismal weather has been drizzling all morning.  This isn't good for my health or the happiness of my cats.

This is the last day of 2012.  So here are some things I'm thankful for.

  • The weather of 2012 was nicer than 2011
  • I'm in a decent place for most parts
  • I'm thankful for the time I had with Alice Cat
  • I'm thankful for being able to get into exercise
  • I'm thankful for this blog letting me occasionally rant
Those are some of the things I'm thankful this year.  What about you?


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Who Knows...

It's been hard finding articles on things I want to go over lately.  Most of them have covered topics I've already go over in abundance or just been fairly negative.  I've had my fill of the negative lately, so I'm opting not to discuss them at this time.  

As I mentioned last year, today is my Sister's birthday.  I won't call her.  I called right before Thanksgiving (US) & wished her happy holidays.  I can safely say it's been years since she's called me.  Even when she's had to cut our call short & said she'd call right back, she didn't.   

This is probably the best relationship I have with any of my family members.  My dad popped back up about   10 or so years ago.  He'd been out of my life since I was 16.  Apparently he'd found AA & managed to stay sober.  We talk occasionally on the phone & I've seen him a couple times when he's drove through to go see family in my hometown, Miami.  

Knowing this & with the stress of the cat's death, it's really been weird lately.  I'm not that uncommon for an HIV + person in the US.  Other than my roomie, I'm on my own.  I used to be very social & outgoing.  I had friends & acquaintances, but those have faded out a long time ago.   I used to be on the go constantly.  I'd go to work or college, then go home to clean up, then go out for the night, wind up getting something to eat & then crashing, only to start the whole thing the next day.  All this time to myself, sucks.  I don't have enough $  to be on the go as much as I used to.  Even if I did there wouldn't be anything to do in the area I'm in.  

I have to admit this is a challenge.  I come across it every once in a while.  Nothing much ever seems to get done about it though.  I don't know if there's much I can do right now.  I'll keep looking.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Still Weird...

It's another day in the house without Alice.  I've lost cats before & know that I'll get used to it, but that sort of pisses me off at myself.    This month has been rough & my schedules have been shot.  My Virgoan nature is not pleased in the slightest.  I hope when the new year comes I can get back in sync again.  

The changing of all my schedules & being ill for a bit was bad enough.  But the stress from the cat situation has added to my issues.  I"m just now getting my sleep back in order & that will help.  It's been too cold for outside exercise & I've not got myself used to the indoors as well as I should yet.  I know some people run in the snow & cold.  I won't.  I've had enough respiratory issues since being +, I don't need more.

My hope for the new year is simple, please don't suck.  I have precious little energy left for suckitude.  A couple more days & 2012 is out the door.  I hope December's issues stay with it.  I need to get my routines back in place.  I need to get back to my exercise & regular sleep.  Some how, I really do need to find a way to expand my life, so there's more in it other than what I have now.  I'm just not sure how that's going to happen.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Good Journey My Alice...

Yesterday, midway past 5 in the afternoon, my cat Alice was finally at peace with the world.    We took her back to the vet.  He told us her kidneys were failing.  Throughout the day her condition had grown worse.  She wasn't eating or drinking much.  She lost control & urinated on my roomie.  She was confused & couldn't regulate her temperature.   I'm not sure she was even seeing us while we held her.  

We held her from noon until it was over.  I really hope I never forget her face.  She was my cat.  We have others, but I was Alice's person.  It seems I have an unasked for gift of attracting cats with strong personalities that aren't long for this world.  I'm happy to help them, but these final trips to the vet are hard.  Still, if you bring an animal into your life, it's your responsibility to day whatever is necessary to make sure that animal's life is as comfortable as possible.  That includes making the decision to take her to the vet a final time.

I'm not much for sentiment, but here's a poem a lot of people find comfort in, The Rainbow Bridge.

Alice, you will be greatly missed... May your next life be so much grander than this & may you have a far better home than I could offer with all the love & acceptance you deserved.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Waiting For the Vet...

We took Alice to the Vet yesterday & she got poked & prodded.  She was given a shot for an infection & another for her fever.  The vet drew some blood for labs & filled her full of liquids to rehydrate her.  She has a bad tooth & needs it dealt with, along with a good cleaning.  Her breath is like death.  It's possible all that's wrong with her is a bad tooth & an infection.  However, there's a chance it could be worse.  The vet's supposed to call today.  So, here we wait.  This could mean anything from a dental appointment to putting her down.  I'm just not sure at this point.  I'll post more tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sick Kitty...

This is Alice & she isn't doing all that well.  Today she's getting an unwanted trip to the vet.  It should be interesting since we got several inches or snow & frozen yuck last night.  Hopefully, it's just a sinus infection or something easy to resolve.  We'll see.  I've got stuff to do before I head out with her, so I have to cut this short.  


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas...

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well.  I'm not going to be posting much this time.  The weather is turning a bit nasty.  We could have anywhere from 0"'s to 9" of snow.  It's be raining off & on all night & the temperature is dropping.  Even if we don't get any snow, we'll have some frozen roads tomorrow.  I'm not a fan of the white stuff, because most people around these parts drive like idiots on ice & snow.  They don't think about black ice & needing to drive slower.   It's not going to surprise me if we have some outages in the area, internet or otherwise.  

On a good note, I'm feeling better.  Whatever was bothering me seems to have passed.  Now, I just have to nurse a cat to better health & the household seems like it will be on the mend.  

Again, the best of the season to everyone.


Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve...

The season is full swing.  I'm feeling better than I did yesterday.  I'm still worn out though.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere.  

I've never been a fan of this time of the year.  However, for the past few years I've been trying to make amends with the holiday season.   It was going respectively well until this year.  I'm not sure why, but this year December has been a on the sucky side of things.  A lot of little stuff & bad timing of things combined with some bad news for a friend.  The odd weather hasn't helped either.  Another day & Christmas is over.  Hopefully these issues we've been dealing with will stay behind in 2012 &  January will be a bit easier on us.

Whatever your plans, I hope you all have a great holiday.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Not Well...

I'm not sure what hit me last night, but it wasn't pleasant.  My stomach turned against me & I wound up being ill in the middle of the night.  I slept horribly, tossing all night.  I'm too out of it to make much more sense in this post.  I'll post again tomorrow.  Hopefully this will be passed.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Solstice Time Is Here...

Solstice is here.  This will be the longest night of the year.   The sun rose around 7:20 & will fall about 5:10.  Great night if you're a vampire or Santa.   The rest of the week will be about the same, but from here out the days will lengthen & the sun will rise earlier.  

This really is beginning to mark the end of 2012.   Albeit there have been some less than fun points, over all it's been a fairly good year for us.  Not so much for some of our friends, though.   Still. I'm not hurrying 2012 out the door like I was 2011.

It's time to start thinking about plans for next year.  Will you make resolutions?  What will they be?  I'm thinking about reinvesting in those I made last year.  

This is a good time of the year to contemplate things.  I think the thing I like best about it is the Winter night sky, especially if it's a clear, moon lit night.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Changing Of The Kings...

Tomorrow is the Solstice & the Winter holiday season is right underway.  Whatever ritual you celebrate, I hope it is wondrous time for you.   

Above are the Holly King & the Oak King, 2 versions of the Green Man & many other male personifications of nature.  The represent the battle of the Light & Dark of the year.  At Solstice, the Holly King Will be at his full might & will hold on to it until the Oak King regains the throne at Mid-Summer.  I'm not trying to push a holiday here.  I'm just recognizing the Solstice & Yule.  

From Saturnalia to Christmas to Hanukkah & any others may your holidays be bright.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Down Time...

This last week went a awry & there was lots to deal with.  Today's, being fairly quiet for me, but my roomie is down with something that requires a bucket nearby.  It could be a lot of things;  a virus, bad food or just stress from the last week.  Hopefully, it'll pass through here & she'll be better for the holidays.  Being sick during the holidays is sort of a thing with her.  Hope everyone else fairing better.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Up In Smoke...

This article talks about the effects smoking has on someone HIV +.  It shouldn't come as a surprise that smoking has an negative affect on + people.   Considering how many ailments associated with HIV are respiratory in nature.  

In this study of HIV patients who also smoked, they found that of the deaths during the study, 60% were associated with smoking & not HIV.  It showed a greatly reduced life expectancy as compared to a +, non-smoker.   Merely being a + smoker up the person's chances for stroke, heart disease & cancer greatly.

As a person who used to smoke, I can say that this may be 1 of the only positive things HIV brought into my life.  I quit smoking about 3 weeks before I was diagnosed.  I was just to sick to smoke.  I have not had a cigarette in the 21st century.  

If you're a smoker, you need to read this article.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today's post is being usurped.   My day has been charted for 1 thing & that thing is Hobbits.  We are going to see the movie today.  It's a tradition of ours to see them & a belated/early birthday present for the both of us.  We're off to go wandering Middle Earth for a bit, until tomorrow.


Monday, December 17, 2012

To The Point...

After yesterday's post, I thought it a good choice to go with this article.  Titled HIV: Know The Facts, is a short piece on the qualities of the virus & how it's transmitted.  I realize this is a very basic primer, but apparently it's still needed.

I get frustrated that this article is still necessary 30 years into HIV.   I wonder how long it's going to be before everyone gets it (not literally).  Most the relevant facts concerning HIV have been with us for over 2 decades.  PSA's have been plentiful & educational efforts massive, but still some people act like they've never heard of word of it.

Read the article, it's straight forward & easy to understand.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

UK +...

This article is about a group British women coming to terms with being + when they didn't even consider themselves at risk.  It's an interesting read.  In the UK more & more heterosexual women are finding themselves +.   Even though the information has been out there, they still thought of HIV as being something gays, Africans & drug users had to face, not them.

I don't think they were being arrogant or classist.  No, they were being dangerously ignorant of the reality of who is at risk.  The simplest answer to that is, everyone.  Everyone is at risk from HIV.

I seriously wonder how long it's going to take people to understand that this virus does not discriminate?   It doesn't matter what you moral leader or political pundit says, HIV is a health matter, not something conjured up by a witch or a vengeful god.

Hope you read the article.


Saturday, December 15, 2012


OK, my head's a little out of it today.  We're supposed to hit 70 F today & my body feels like a wreck with all this up & down weather crap.  We had some rain & now we're on a warming trend for a bit.  Every time I get used to the Winter cold, it gets warm again.  It's playing hell with my sinuses.  The cats aren't handling much better.

I am altering my exercise again.  I've been moving more of my routine indoors due to the cold.  I'd like to do more upper body floor exercises, but my floor is hard & the carpet is like sandpaper.  I keep tearing up my elbows & knees.   In order to be able to do this other bit of exercise I've purchased an exercise ball.

My roomie has 1 & uses it frequently.  She seems happy with hers, so I decided to try it out.  I'm looking online at people's routines with the ball.  I'll figure out what I want to incorporate eventually.

Well, I still have things to do, so I'll write more later.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Things Change, But Not Memories...

This article is a must read.  It isn't "medical", but it's relevant.  It's about an older sister trying to adjust to the fact her younger brother is +.   He's 12 years younger than her & has an entirely different view of HIV.  No matter how optimistic he is, she still sees those friends she lost before.

HIV has been here for sometime.  For a teen of the 1980's, it was a scare-fest.  I watched people drop like flies on a cold day.  I watch others blaze out in rock-n-roll fashion with as much booze, coke & X as they could down.    I saw others try to be the "good" patient , only to fade out slower & more miserably. 

For all you younger ones, HIV may no longer be a death sentence, but in some our minds it's still a late  night, horror show, more frightful than any zombie flick.  I'm happy for you that will never see the nastiness that HIV brought to some.  It'll be wonderful when there's no longer such a thing as HIV.  It may not kill you like it used to, but it's still deadly.

I hope you read this article.  I think she gets it down better than I have.  Then again, I am the one who's +.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Odd Day...

Our schedule is a little off this week.  I'm having my typical fight with the internet.  We have a few oddity things to do today.  Nothing big, but all of this has knocked me off my game.  I nearly forgot to type anything for my blog today.  I have things I still need to get through so this is a short one.

I hope everyone is doing well & that their days are feeling a little less off the mark than mine has today.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Late Start & Stuff To Do...

It was cold & dark well past 7, so I retreated under my covers & barely woke up at 8.   I've wrote before about Wednesdays being my busy day.  This isn't all that busy, but I got off to a late start & I do have things around the house & the like to do.  

I don't have a lot to say today, but I will put this down.  I've been seeing far too much animosity lately about which holiday greeting to use.  Mostly it's been the Christmas crowd getting their panties in a bunch.   They scream about keeping their baby god in Christmas & how it should only be Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.  

For one thing, there are multiple holidays during this time of the year, so Happy Holidays is a appropriate.  The most important thing here is to remember when someone says; Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings or whatever, they were trying to spread some cheer.  They acknowledged you existed & took a moment to be nice & try to spread some joy your way.  Don't be ass & make them regret their decision to be kind to you.  Be grateful that some one even took a second to recognize you exist.

What I want for this holiday season, is just for everyone to take a day & stop being a jerk.  Just one day, that's all, it won't kill you.  


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Closing In On 13...

There are just 20 days left until New Years.  Just 3 days past that I'll face my 13th HIV-Day.  It's sort of like a birthday, but not  Almost 13 years ago, I spent a very bad day (& I do mean all damn day) in an hospital emergency room.  Finally many hours later I was informed that I was +.  There was absolutely no ritual or ceremony or concern.  Just, "Oh by the way you have HIV."  It was not a good day.

I'd been sick for quite some time before that.  I'd been tested, but nothing came back + until that day.  I have no idea why.  I'm fairly sure I was starting to have some symptoms at least a year before, possibly 2.  After the diagnosis, there was a search for a doctor that would see me.  I had no $ & no insurance.  Finally, we found a place that was supposed to be a free or at least cost reduced clinic.  That part didn't hold out & I encountered possibly the worse doctor of my life.   She wound up being the one, who's inattention got me sent to the hospital.  I got past that & got on new meds.  Eventually I received notice I had qualified for disability. 

My life has changed in a lot of ways since then.  I've talked a lot about those things in this blog.  I've moved twice, lost a cat & gained others.  My roommate at the time ran for the hills with the "love of his life" (bluck). My current roomie & I have both faced hard times in the last decade, but things seem to be getting better.  That's all on this for now.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Another Monday...

Another week begins & it has all the trappings of a Monday.  My morning wasn't that fun.  Some of my programs have been in perpetual update mode for the last few days & it's very annoying.   They always want to update when I'm right in the middle of something & usually don't give me a choice about when they start.  I thought I had Webroot under control, but apparently I don't.

We went shopping & it was just a thrill, sarcasm.  There is no reason for that many people to be there at the same time.  They usually aren't there at that time in the morning.  To add to all of it, the little car is back to it's seasonal testiness.  It doesn't like to start in the cold.

We're back to cold as far as the weather is concerned.  There was actually ice on the water I leave for the outdoor cats.   The winter berry bushes are stuffed with sparrows.  It may not look like Christmas, but it's getting cold.

I still have some stuff to do, so this will be all for today.   

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wrap Up...

The 1st full week of December is behind us & it's been a weird month.  It's been way too warm & I've been incredibly busy.  Neither of which I appreciate.  

The warm weather is supposed to drop off this evening.  It's looking like we'll be back to leaving on the faucets at night for a while.  This up & down stuff isn't pleasant.  We've had the windows open the better part of the last month.  Now, it's time to shut it all down again.

Last week was strange for us.  We had something that had to be dealt with every day.  Most people deal with that all the time, but I don't & it left me worn out.  I'm still trying to catch up.  I hate this.  I never realize how off my health is until something like that comes along & smacks me in the face with it.  Hey, wake up you're + & your energy levels suck.  There should totally be little hearts or energy cans you can occasionally jump up & grab.

I got my stretches in & some steps done.  I still have to deal with some household stuff, so I'm not sure how much else I'll get done today.  I really dislike days when just loading the dishwasher is a planned-for event.


Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was looking through articles today & kept coming across ones talking about how the stigma of HIV remains prevalent.   Duh!  There were articles from all over the world stating this obvious bit of truth, as if it was something that surprised them.  

Yes dear people, it may be almost 2013, but the world still holds onto the  stigma of AIDS & HIV.  All they had to do to find this out was talk to any + person out there.  For whatever reason, people like their stigmatized groups.  They want someone to blame, exile &  humiliate.

There are some in my area that know I'm +, but not that many.  I simply don't trust these people & quite frankly it isn't any of their business.  If I was ever in a place where I had to be employed again, it couldn't be around here.  I wouldn't even trust Fort Smith.  I'm not entirely sure how much I'd trust Tulsa.

Again, I say, "Duh!"  Only someone removed from the situation could ever be surprised that the stigma HIV is alive & well.  


Friday, December 7, 2012

Early Morning Issues...

I'm back to the morning light issue again.  This morning sunrise wan't until 7:14 AM.  I prefer it when it's sometime before 7.  That gives me a bit to adjust to the awful idea of getting out of bed.  Now, if I want to get up about 7:40, then I have a little over 25 minutes.  At that point this A.M, .the sunlight was just a weak suggestion of morning light.  

The problem here is that it's beginning to really alter my sleep & my schedule.  It's throwing me into waking up at odd times & at small noises.   I can usually go back to sleep fairly easily, but not when it keeps happening for days on end.  

Then I start getting sleep anxiety for lack of a better description.  When I wake up like this, an hour or so before I'm ready to get up, something suddenly pops into my mind.  Doesn't matter what it is; it could be $, weather, the cats, health, etc...  

What does matter is that my mind grabs hold of it & won't let go.  The thing runs through my thoughts.  It gets twisted & turned & all sorts of things start to develop.  What if something breaks & we don't have the $ to fix it.  What if that noise I heard was a cat breaking something in the kitchen.  What if I forgot to pay that bill & so on.   Most of these things aren't any big deal & a lot things that come into my mind aren't even really likely.  But still, my thoughts are focused in on them.

Eventually, I get back to sleep, but not before before getting rattled for  minutes 30 or longer over these strange thoughts.  When I wake up, it's like nothing really ever happened, except I'm not well rested.    I've never been 1 to have nightmares.  But I can get some seriously wicked stress dreams.  The worse my sleep is, the worse these cycles can become. They aren't good for my health.  

I will be seriously happy when the days start to lengthen out again.  This is just another seasonal thing that Fall & Winter bring into my life, like allergies & the flu.  I think the flu is easier to deal with than screwed up sleep patterns.


Thursday, December 6, 2012


A little off today.  Just got back from going to the dentist.  I'm in the process of getting  a crown replaced.  My mouth is a bit sore, but so is most my face from sitting with my mouth open for nearly an hour.  Overall, it wasn't bad. 

The only downside to it was that I had to get up a hella early & get out of here fairly early to make the appointment.  I am not a fan of mornings, especially not ones that end up with me in the dentist's chair.  After this crown is replaced, I have 2 more that need replacing.  At their cost, it'll probably take me another 2 years, but at least it'll be done.

I'm ending this now, I've got other stuff to do & I"m just not feeling quite up to par.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dr.'s Appointment....

Had my quarterly meeting with my primary care physician this morning.   Everything was on track & we made the next appointment for March.  I have to admit this early meeting stuff is getting a little tiresome.  I haven't had the best sleep the last couple of nights & this week is filled with early morning stuff.  Just my luck.

These quarterly meets are fairly routine.  They take my vitals & weight.  Then we go over how I'm feeling & the meds I'm on currently.  The whole thing lasted less than 10 minutes.

I understand the point of the matter, but nearly everything he did could've been handled over the phone.  I hate it when some bureaucrat gets a hair up their ass & starts making rules that interfere with my life.   This isn't helping me any & it's costing more for all the extra appointments.  Idiot legislators.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Month's Beginning...

This morning was a little rushed.  We had to get around & run some errands, mostly bill paying.  We'll finish paying the household bills for the month today.  That leaves very little in the kitty, but at least the bills are covered.  

The morning was going to be a bit hurried anyway, but other stuff just had to add on to it.   Mainly the internet.  As usual, it doesn't work properly. It ran for crap yesterday & we were told it was an area issue.  Of course it was, it's almost always an area wide issue.  This morning however, I wake up to find a cable man at my door doing a trouble call.  That was just great except the problem had already been resolved.  No one will ever accuse Suddenlink workers of being smart.

Just getting things back on track for today.  Tomorrow's my doctors appointment.  We now have to meet every 3 months regardless in order for me to keep getting my meds.  I wish we could just do this basic BS over the phone.  I hate going to the doctor's office.  Until tomorrow.


Monday, December 3, 2012


It's the 3rd of December & I've failed to acknowledge a few things.  Let's start with November.  So long until next year, you were a pretty good month for us this year.  The holiday went well & the weather was nice.  Now, we're into December & the holidays continue.  We have 3 weeks until my roomie's birthday & the following day is Christmas.  

Just 28 days from now, 2012 will be no more.  Overall, 2012 has been much nicer to my household than 2011.  Here's hoping 2013 will continue the upward momentum.

Yesterday was my 700th post on this blog.  I'm mostly keeping up on my exercise & watching how I eat.  I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday & 1 with the dentist on Thursday.  It's looking like December is going to be a busy month.

So, good bye for now November, hello December,  Hopefully the rest of 2012 will be grand & 2013 will be even better.  Looking forward to the next 100 posts.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weird Damn Weather...

Last week I had to leave the water dripping over night so the pipes wouldn't freeze.  Yesterday, it was almost 80 F here.  The wind was howling though the now open windows.   I had closed down the house & had the stove on a few days.  But now we're looking at another almost 80 degree day.  What gives?

What gives, is my sinuses.  This Katy Perry weather is being hell on me.  I slept like crap last night because of the heat & humidity.  We've had to turn fans on today to move the humid air.  At least I managed to get my steps done this afternoon, but my morning was shot.

80 F in Oklahoma in December should not be happening.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

World AIDS Day...

Today is World AIDS Day, you can find out more about it here.  Since 1988, December 1st have been denoted as World AIDS Day.  A time to look at & address the concerns surrounding this illness.  The themes have changed over the years; communication, action & getting to zero.   

This year's theme, as well as last years, is just that, "Getting To Zero."  You can go to WorldAidsDay.Org to learn more about what's going on today.

To me this is a reminder of where we were, where we're at & hopefully where we're going with HIV.  
