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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not Much...

Not much going on in the world of articles today, or my world for that matter.   They announced a couple of interesting things in the news today.

  • In New York they have declared that a + person's saliva is not a lethal weapon.
  • The FDA has decided to hold off on it's decision on the HIV prevention pill.
Personally, I think both of these are good things.  The 1st point should've been a no-brainer.  But someone wanted to use some scare tactics.  The 2nd point isn't saying that Truvada won't get approval for this application, just not at this moment.  The FDA either has more info it wants to consider or it's just trying to look like it took all the proper precautions before approving the drug.

All in all, another slow day, but so far it's been a nice one.


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