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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Say What...

OK, no pic today & please go read this article before I get started.  How many ways can I say this is stupid?  It wouldn't matter, because it would never be enough to express how idiotic this approach is.  The CDC has flipped its freaking lid.

So, they're going to focus mostly on metro areas & not rural.  That's going to work so well in the American Southeast.  

They're going to defund prevention programs that focus on keeping people at risk from becoming +.  This will also take out a lot of counseling programs.  

They're shifting the focus from personal responsibility, to making those already + carry the weight of preventing transmissions.  That'll work wonderful for all those + people who haven't got a clue they are +.

This is just ridiculous.  Let's screw the small towns & rural areas yet again.  Let's not focus on keeping people safe, let's just assume the infected one's will do that for us.  To all those at the CDC, you've lost your  damned minds.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Think Pink...

No, not that...

Or that, try again...

OMG,  it started in June.  We have been in the pink for over a week.  Here we go again.  & here I thought being in the pink was a good thing.  Hah.  According to that map, being in the red is better.  Hell, I'll take orange or yellow even.

I'm really not trying to gripe about the heat.  It's hard not to right now.  In all seriousness, watch how hot it gets out there & take care of yourselves.  Stay cool, hydrated & if your errands can wait, then let them.


Thursday, June 28, 2012


Just a short one.  Most the articles are rehash.  There a few things to note.

  1. Yesterday was National HIV Testing Day, hope you got tested
  2. The 1st week of Summer has passed & it was seriously hot
  3. The Supreme Court Upheld much of the Health Care Plan

  1. If you didn't get tested yesterday, you still can
  2. Stay cool & hydrated
  3. Who knows what this will actually mean to us all?
Hope you all have a great day.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

National HIV Testing Day...

This article & many others around the web & other media sources are telling you 1 thing.  It's National HIV Testing Day.  So get to it, if you haven't already.  If you're even the tiniest bit at risk, you should be tested.   I've listed places to get tested before.  Many are close to you & some are free.  Whatever you think is your reason for not getting tested, think again.  Unless you are 100% of your HIV status you should be tested.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Taking A Walk...

Summer heat has altered the way I sleep & I've found myself stiff in the morning.  I decided to add walking to my exercise routine.  I need the exercise & walking helps me work out stiffness I'm experiencing.

I plotted my course with Google Maps.  I didn't take everything into consideration, like a really annoying hill & a couple of loose dogs.  I walked fairly early so it would still be somewhat cooler.  My feet & legs were getting sore towards the end, but I managed to pull off a mile walk without huffing & puffing.  

I was surprised with my time.  I made my mile in 16.48 minutes.  OK, a nearly 17 minute mile is no record breaker, but it was faster than I had expected.  I am very pleased with my time because:

  • I am fairly overweight
  • I have not walked a mile in over 2 decades
  • I did not plan to take on a hilly road
  • I had to slow down to deal a mad dog, a needy cat & some litter in my drive
  • 16 minutes is still considered to be in fitness walking range
  • That was walking at around 3.6 miles per hour
  • That burned off 130 - 150 calories
I have revised my map & plan on seeing what my time will be like without the hills & the dogs.  At this point, I'm just bench marking.  I want to start with a 10 minute walk to replace my morning exercise routine 3 times a week.  I go shopping in the morning twice a week & get plenty of walking there.  I can do so stair work on the remaining days.

The only things I really see preventing me from continuing this are illness, the temperature getting too high in the mornings & my own laziness.   At least one of those I can try to overcome.  I really believe in recognizing  your accomplishments & I think this deserves some recognition.  Woo Hoo to me!


Monday, June 25, 2012


This article discusses an attempt by Walgreens, Greater Than Aids & Erase Doubt to normalize HIV testing.  They want to make screening so common no one even thinks about not doing it.  I agree with the idea.  Over 30% of + people aren't tested until they're within in a year of being diagnoses as having AIDS.  The longer it takes to be diagnosed the worse the illness is going to be on you.  

I had passed into that category before my status was confirmed.   My counts were awful & my viral load was tremendous.  I wound up in the hospital.  Even now, after a decade, my numbers still aren't what they should be.  I still don't feel that great most of the time.  Maybe, if I had been diagnosed when I still had a decent CD4 level I would be in better shape now.

Regular, non-eventful testing is key to finally getting a real grasp on the HIV problem.   With a variety of places & means to get tested, there isn't a reason not to these days. We have to get people to see HIV as just another virus & not some scarlet letter disease.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


There isn't going to be a lot of discussion on this article today.  It's an important article, albeit much of what it has to say, has been said before.  Still, it has one of  the best quotes I've read in a long time regarding HIV.

"This is a disease where it certainly can happen to anyone ... but it doesn't happen to anyone equally," she said. "This is a disease that accelerates when injustice is in the pathway."
Those injustices, according to Williamson, include poverty, racial discrimination, gender discrimination and discrimination due to sexual orientation.

 I hope you get the impact of that statement.  Remember that later this week is National HIV Testing Day on the 27th.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Free For All...

The Vatican has called for an end to the HIV era.  They seek to eliminate the illness & the devastation it has wrought.   They feel a cure is in the near future & until then it should be free meds to all those infected.   Great, love the sentiment, but who's going to pay for that?

The Cardinal spoke about wanting cures & meds, but didn't discuss prevention.  At least not in any of the articles I found referencing today's announcement.   The church's previous stance on prevention has been abstinence & remaining faithful to the marriage bed.  It was hinted a while back that male prostitutes using condoms might not be a bad thing, because they could be protecting the welfare of their partners.  Albeit, the Vatican made sure everyone understood they weren't condoning the use of condoms.

If I get this right, everyone is supposed to be married, or abstain from sex, or get free meds & this will just clear up the mess.  Wow, that almost sounds Baptist, except for the free part.  Treatment without prevention will not stop HIV.   HIV has to be prevented & besides testing & educational outreach, condoms are the best hope available at this time.

Maybe one day, we'll be able to practice medicine & cure ailments without having to deal with so many people's agendas.  I know, wishful thinking.  


Friday, June 22, 2012


This article brings up an old question, "Are you clean?"   

"You sir, are you clean?"
"Why, yes, I just took a shower."

Yeah, I know, they're asking about whether or not I have any type of cooties; HIV. HEP-C, herpes...  I'm not even sure if they're worried about herpes anymore.  It's a demonstration in futility & ignorance.  

"Why of course I'm clean."  

Did the person even understand what you were really asking?  Does he/she even know their HIV status?  Are they lying?   What are you going to if they say no?  Worse yet, what are you going to do if the tell you  they are clean?

This question is dangerous & insulting.   I am +, but I am clean.  I'm not some nasty little thing that should hide under a rock, just because of my HIV status.  This question has led to a lot of people getting infected & they think they did all they could.  What about using a condom?  What about not believing everything you're told?  What about being realistic in regards to STD's?

Enough with the awful question.  Either play as safe as you can or don't play at all.


Thursday, June 21, 2012


I'm taking on 2 articles today, A & B.  These articles are about the same issue even though one's in the South & the other's in D.C.  They both take on the disproportionate rates of HIV in these communities.   According to the 1st article the rate of HIV in black women in some areas of D.C. has doubled in the last 2 years.  The other articles shows that 50% of all new HIV cases in the USA are people living in the South.

Besides HIV, what do these communities have in common?  
  • They are areas with high ethnic populations, most often Black/African American
  • They are areas of excessive poverty
  • They are area that have had little focus on them regarding HIV
  • They are still low in areas of testing, education & treatment
Most of the women in the 1st article were heterosexual & for whatever reason, unaware of their risk factors.  The 2nd goes on to show that even though the Black community is just over 10% of the population, they are accounting for over 40% of the new southern HIV cases.

What's going on here?  There is a definite disconnect as to who is at risk from HIV.  There is severe lack of screening & education.  Then there is still the hurdle of funds for treatment.  Some people categorize these numbers as still being at the epidemic levels.  

These are truly appalling & scary statistics.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Here...

The 1st day of Summer is here & the world of articles is a bit light today.  There are some things around the bend, but for now, we'll talk about the season.  This used to be my fav season of the year, now, not so much.  It didn't get nearly as hot as it does now & if it did, you only had to deal with it in August.

We've agreed to take a new approach to cooling the house this year.  Hopefully, it'll go well.  I know I will, but I'm going to try not to gripe non-stop about the heat.  For all of you out there that don't understand when people say, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity..."  Come down south  & spend a day during the Summer & then you'll get it.

Here's hoping for a nice, not hellishly hot Summer.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The past couple of weeks have been filled with unwanted changes.  Changes to our schedule, the weather, noise levels outside, etc...  Our internet connection has been a weak maybe most of the time & the list of crap continues.  The stress levels have been high & they've got to both my roomie & myself.  You have to understand when you are on limited funds, you have to make the best out of what you have.  That makes the internet 1 of our only outlets & having that outlet threatened is troubling.  The other changes have amped the anxiety & made sleep challenging.  I've never really enjoyed surprises, even good ones.  They are crises just waiting to unveil themselves & I don't need any more crap right now.  

Before  you go trying alter things that are going to affect other people's day, think about how this will impact them.  It's isn't your place to decide it'll be good for them.   If you made a plan stick to it.  If you provide a service that has been paid for, then provide it.  Most people have enough trouble in their life without others stirring the pot.  Often people, think, well all I wanted to was change this small thing.  The problem is that changing that small thing can often snowball into a huge problem for the other person.

I can't do anything about the weather.  I can't change what the government will or won't do.  But I can look into other service providers, say no it is not alright for to change our schedule or whatever else is being challenged.   You have to put your foot down where you can & try to go with it when you can't.  Limiting stress in your life by having some orderly means of handling day to day events is a good thing.  If other's cant see that, well that's their problem.


Monday, June 18, 2012

What Specialist?...

This article may give you some idea of what I have to deal with in my area for HIV care.   This list details the number of HIV specialists in each state.  I'm sure the numbers may vary a little here & there, but it gets the point across.  Oklahoma has 5, a whopping big ole 5.  Count them with me, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. AH, AH, AH...

Hey, 5's better than the 0 Arkansas had.  Even so, my neighbor state was more helpful in the beginning of my HIV journey than Oklahoma was.   In a state of nearly 4 million people & of almost 6,000 HIV cases, there are only 5 medical specialists.   That's 1 doctor per 1,200 HIV patients.  Talk about overbooked.

This is what I have to work with in my state.  The vast majority of medical people I deal with have no training in or with HIV.  Luckily I have the Telemedicine people.   Even then, most of the staff I see are medical students doing a rotation, very few if any with opt for HIV as their area of interest.  Oh well, things could be worse.


Sunday, June 17, 2012


I know Summer doesn't officially start for a few more days, but it's here & we'll have to deal with it for the next few months.    I've covered being + in the Summer before, but it bears repeating.  Being + or sick at all in the summer time sucks.

The high temperatures & humidity can & will aggravate symptoms you already have & present new challenges as well.   Many medications mix badly with excess light/heat.  You need to know your meds & how they will affect you during this season.  

  • Stay hydrated
  • Stay as cool as possible
  • Stay out of direct light when possible
  • Use sunscreen
  • Avoid excess exertion in the heat/light
  • Take breaks
These are some pointers for getting through the Summer.  If you start having health issues contact your doctor.  Summer is hard on healthy people.  Even if your numbers are good, if you have HIV, you still aren't  as healthy as you used to be.  These meds are rough stuff.  Take care of yourself & try to enjoy the season.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bloggus Interuptus...

Again Suddenlink screws my internet .  I'll probably get another comment from Ashely from Suddenlink telling me to email her about the problem.  Why?  I've already wasted huge amounts of time on the phone talking to the "techs" & I use that word lightly.

For the last 3 weeks, my net has been theoretical at best.  Everyday, for the past 3 days, about noontime the net has dropped out.  It's frustrating.  This is my main source of communication, entertainment, shopping, etc.. These jerks can't even keep their net up.

I go their Facebook page & they're bragging about bringing 50 MPS going up in Abilene, TX.  Well that's just bloody damn awesome if you live in Abilene.  If you live in podunk Oklahoma they can't even keep 3MPS up & running.  Then when you have to call in to their support service you know you're going to lose at least 20 minutes of your life to their horrendous nonsensical attempts to handle your problem.  Then they'll bump you up to level 2 tech & finally, almost 40 tedious minutes later you'll be told, "Oh there seems to be an outage in you area, sorry... thanks for using Suddenlink,... good-bye, click"  Duh, there's an outage in my area, that's why I called.

Sorry for the rant, but where I am, there isn't much else for me to do but surf.  I can't afford to just go driving like I used to.  Going to see a movie is outrageous & 30 miles away.  So, this is it.  Then I get upset over this & my blood pressure gets elevated.  I hate Suddenlink.  Please let some other cable/internet company move into this area.  Suddenlink may be great in larger areas, but here they really suck.


Friday, June 15, 2012


This article is about a  man in litigation with a southern California school over his termination due to being HIV +.  A lot of people think the world is a nice place & people don't actively target + people in such matters.  They're wrong.  From every part of society people take steps against people living with HIV, no matter the circumstances of their becoming +.  Employment, education, residence, insurance are just a few of the places a + person can expect to be targeted.  For the people out there who are + & keep it to themselves, I get it.  Why take the risk?  

I hope this man does well in his suit, but it won't be easy.   Even if every detail he states is utterly true, employers & lawyers are very good at covering their tracks.  Best wishes Mr. Edmondson.


Thursday, June 14, 2012


On a personal note, I'm at a point with my exercise that I feel more comfortable accepting changes in my routine from time to time.  There are mornings I simply don't have enough time to accomplish all that I need to. I have opted to forego my morning exercise session on these days.  I can half the difference between the 2 later sessions.  If I'm going shopping, I'm accepting some of that walking about as exercise time.

In the beginning of my routine, I couldn't of done this.  I wouldn't have trusted myself enough to complete the extra exercise in the next sessions.   I would've thought the time spent shopping wasn't suited to be considered part of the routine, even though I was spending 20+ minutes walking, picking things up, pushing an annoying cat & unpacking groceries.

It's hard to give one's self leeway enough to make these adjustments in the beginning of any new standard.  That's the point of it becoming standard, a given.  But at some point, you have to trust yourself enough to actually keep your promises to yourself.  Nothing worse than lying to yourself.

So there, I did not do my 10 minute morning exercise routine.  I did go shopping & will add extra time to my afternoon sessions.  This is not a big thing, but in a way it is.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Exercise Issues...

June was the start of my 5th month of exercise.  I'm near 30 minutes a day.  I'm happy with that.  Changes are becoming more apparent.  My blood pressure seems to be lowering.  The toning & weight loss is a good thing, but there are other things as well.  There are changes in how my clothes fit, that's a good one.

Both my roomie & I are both noticing some other changes as well.  We've both been noticing new aches & pains coming from the exercise & the changes in our stature.  As we eat less & exercise more, it seems like more & more is wanting to leave the body.  Exercise increases metabolism & food goes through faster.

Just about every aspect of our life is being affected by this decision to exercise.  Buying less &/and different foods.  Finding old standby foods less & less appealing.  Daily activities have been altered to allow for the exercise.  In turn some of the daily things have become easier to handle.   Everything from how we sleep to what we want to eat is being altered by this decision to start moving our asses.  

I wonder what things will be like in next February, when it's been a full year.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Yesterday's post was a bust, so here goes a slight version of 2.  These two articles, 1 & 2,  are new approaches in the San Francisco area.  They're promoting the concept of the many shades of gay throughout the community.  That no 2 gay people are a like, however the one thing they all need is to be tested for HIV on a regular basis.  The aim is to have people be tested every 6 months.  Frequent testing can lead to earlier diagnosis, better health options & limited further exposure to others.  Personally, I find both articles refreshing.


This is so true, but just barely.  2011 was a beast.  I'm really hoping that's the last year I see like that in my lifetime.  Oklahoma can be harsh, but damn, 2011 was hell & on top of the weather crap, we got earth quakes.  This state is not supposed to get tremors you can actually feel, but we got quite a few.  Yesterday was our 1st really hot day.  It was the 1st time the AC got turned on & it was still not that comfortable.  The weather is being a challenge for cleaning & sleeping routines.  On the bright side, the fleas seem to be dying off.

Oh well, that's all for now.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog Interrupted...

There will be no formal blog post today due to Suddenlink's inability to stay connected.  They are sending tech's out today, for the 3rd time in the last 2 weeks.  Taking bets on what BS they will try to sell now.  It's never their fault or their equipment.  It's your router, your modem, your computer, etc...  I'll be so damn glad when another cable company comes to town.  


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Natural Born Killers...

No pic today & I'm not talking about the Woody Harrelson movie.  This article talks about a specific quality in the T cells of certain people that can actually effectively seek out & destroy HIV cells.   These people are rare, but if these cells can be studied, then it might be possible to deal with HIV in a more final manner.

Understand this is just one discovery.  This may lead to development in the field & it may not yield a cure.  However, as I've said before, this is a puzzle & this new info is another piece.  The more pieces we can gather, the better we will see the picture unfolding before us.  

Here's hoping this leads to more pieces.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not Much...

Not much going on in the world of articles today, or my world for that matter.   They announced a couple of interesting things in the news today.

  • In New York they have declared that a + person's saliva is not a lethal weapon.
  • The FDA has decided to hold off on it's decision on the HIV prevention pill.
Personally, I think both of these are good things.  The 1st point should've been a no-brainer.  But someone wanted to use some scare tactics.  The 2nd point isn't saying that Truvada won't get approval for this application, just not at this moment.  The FDA either has more info it wants to consider or it's just trying to look like it took all the proper precautions before approving the drug.

All in all, another slow day, but so far it's been a nice one.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Finally, Friday...

This week has been hectic & weird.  Lots of little things poking their heads up & lots of errands & to-do's.  Luckily, I think we've got most of it finished for now.  The roomie's been facing unfortunate strangeness from  things outside the house.  As I said, it's been a weird week.  

The one bit of oddness that I'm liking is the weather.   We've been staying fairly cool for the beginning of summer.  The last few June's have been fairly hellish.

For now, we have a respite & it is a nice day.  I hope everyone else has one as well.  Back to the regular posts tomorrow.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unchecked & In Danger...

OK, this article is scary.  There is plenty of info out about people with HIV & cardiovascular disease.  Now, this one comes along & warns us of a greater risk of strokes in + people not being treated.  I'm not going to try to synapse this one too much.  Just read the article.  

The additional risk for strokes among this group was estimated between 20 - 40%.  It also states that HIV patients are more apt to have risk factors for high blood pressure, heart disease & diabetes.  The risk of stroke was more significant among women & those between the ages of 18 - 29.  Only after the age of 50 did the chances level out between those with HIV & those without.  

The higher the viral load, the greater the risk of stroke.  HIV can lead to inflammation, which lead to cardiovascular illness.  This in turn can add risks for a stroke.  As far as I am concerned, this is yet another reason for everyone getting tested.  


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not Forgotten Or Gone...

This article in the The U.S. News & World Report, discusses how gonorrhea has gone from a disease that used to be handled with a simple dose of penicillin to one the verge of being incurable.  This bacteria is being called a superbug with an amazing ability to grow resistant to medications & maintain a resistance memory to those it was exposed to in the past.  

Gonorrhea would join herpes & HIV as the incurable STD's.  Gonorrhea is often thought of as a minor STD, something easily handled without many complications.  That's only true if the bacteria is treated early & is curable.  If not this ailment can cause a host of issues throughout the body.  

This drives home the need to use protection when engaging in sex.   Concurrent infection is a possibility as well.  A person engaging risky behaviors could wind up with HEPC, TB & a host of incurable STD's.  Be nice to yourself, play safe.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get Tested...

There is no excuse not to get tested.  End of argument.  I know it can be scary.  Still, it's better to know & be able to start trying to do something about it, than not to know & possibly spread the virus farther.  Some people say they don't know where to get tested or there aren't any testing sites near them.  BS!  I live in podunk Oklahoma & there are several with 35 miles of me.  Go to & type in your Zip & there you have it, locations of area test sites.  

Last year the DMV in DC started offering screenings. Personally, I think this insurance crap should be handled so that having HIV is treated like any other disease.  Then they should simply require HIV tests for everyone.  I know, I know, personal liberties & all of that.  However, this disease is never going away until every one who has it is diagnosed, treated or dies.  So, whatever excuses you may have, they don't matter.
  • If you have had unprotected sex  
  • If you have partaken in IV drug use  
  • If you have had any medical treatment involving blood or needles
  • If you are exposed to bodily fluids due to work
All these are reasons to get tested.  Just do it.  Get tested.


Monday, June 4, 2012

The Next Da Da Da...

Lately there's been a lot of talk about the next HIV.  What?!  There is only HIV.  Anything else, is something else.  I get what they're saying, but really?  The 2 main suspects are Chagas Disease & Zoonotic illnesses from eating monkeys & apes in Africa.  

These illnesses are serious, however they are not HIV & shouldn't be compared to them.  Doing so only detracts from the seriousness of HIV.  Unfortunately, it also associates the stigmas people have towards HIV to these other diseases which are not transmitted in similar manners.

Yes, these things do have the potential to spread as widely as HIV, but that doesn't make them HIV.   Saying they are alike is going to make some people think they know something about these other illnesses when they don't.  HIV is a communicable virus.  These others are based on exposure to a parasite &/or foodstuffs that should not have been consumed.

At this time, while there are variants of HIV, there is still only 1 HIV.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let The God Crazies Raise Up..

I'm putting a link to two places, 1 & , both discussing how a + man was denied his meds by a self-righteous doctor in a New Jersey hospital.  I haven't wished harm (much) on anyone in the confines of this blog, but if these posts are correct this doctor needs to be summarily shot.  A person's right to whatever religious nonsense they proscribe to is their business & right.  However, that right ends at the tip of their nose.  Religious freedom, includes not being religious or having to put up with others ritualized insanity.

Yes, I religion bashed.  But I've had it used against me enough for it to merit a few licks back.  Now, someone's probably going to scream about how I'm limiting their religious freedom.  Whatever.  What about this man's right to be treated well by the hospital & given his meds.  I hoped he sues every last cent out of that doctor & hospital for his atrocity.

Here's one last link on the matter.  It has video.  I'm done ranting.  


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Still Not Right...

Over the last month or so there has been an uproar in New Zealand over a preschool boy's parents being asked by his school to remove him because he is +.  This is seriously rattling some cages down there & rightfully so.  In this country of roughly about 4.5 million people, there are suspected to be about 40 children with HIV. 

They suspect that most parents of + kids are keeping the wraps on the matter.  Mums the word & all.  These parents don't want their children facing the discrimination this little boy is going through.  Still, these kids are being taught in a roundabout way that they have to keep their mouths shut about being +.  Great message they're getting, isn't it?

It's a conundrum. Do you keep quiet to protect the child at the risk making them feel like they're something to be reviled & hidden away?  Or do we chance openness, at the risk of rampant, ignorant discrimination?  If I had a kid, I'm not sure what I would do.

This really sucks.  30 years past Ryan White & we're still judging little kids.  It's not like they're out there turning ricks & shooting up.  They're not spending their evenings in tea rooms & rest stops.  These are children.  Children, who just happen to be +.  It's time to stop treating them like monsters.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Taking Stock...

The 1st real month of Summer is here.  Summer doen't start until later in the month, but it's here.  Today's great we're in the 70's F.  That won't last long, but still it's nice today.  We seem to winning the war on the fleas mostly.  We're much better off now than we've been in the past during June.  Our cleaning & exercise routines seem to be holding in place.  This is the start of the 5th month of my exercise, 2nd of near 30 minutes per day.  With some things change can take time.  Losing weight or adjusting to new routines are both things that do better with more time.

There's been a lot of the same old talk in the articles lately.  Still talking about the preventative meds & at home testing.   I still think both are flawed approaches, but that's just my opinion.   

Summer's here, not that we have any plans for it, other than trying to stay cool..  I'm hoping for a more mild summer this year.  In comparison to last Summer, that's a pretty easy request to meet.  Almost half the year is gone & not much has changed here.  
