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Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Letter Y...

Year begins with a "Y" & brings a lot of joy to some & sadness to others.  I am referring to the unit of time.  For a child it means being another year older & getting to do more.  For some people, it means being another year older & feeling their life slip away from them.

I don't put all that much stock in years people acquire.  I've known extremely mature children & very childish adults.  Chronological age isn't as important to me as relative maturity.    Some set their expectations of others based on the other person's age.  I'd feel better placing in it how much maturity they've displayed.

Some people "stop" having birthdays at a certain point.  As if their attempts at vanity will cease the passage of time.  I'm not sure if they actually fear growing older or if they fear facing the fact they haven't accomplished everything in life they'd planned.  Either way to fight time is futile, we all age.

I guess I've never given age that much thought.  I've never seen myself in my head as the age I was.  Maybe it's arrested development.  When I was a kid, I saw myself as older, because I had to act that way.  Now in life I tend to envision myself in various points of my life when big things occurred.  Age & my mentality have never really had much in common.

Some people will tell you to put away your toys & grow up.  When did having fun become relegated to our childhood?  When did growing up start meaning you couldn't play games or have toys?  Why the hell would you let someone else tell you how to act based on something so arbitrary as a chronological age?  It's stupid to do that.  It's your life, past taking care of your responsibilities, you should cut loose however you choose.  Your recreational activities shouldn't be based entirely on whether or not your over or under a certain age.

People may say you're too old to play those video games, drive that car, date that person, etc... To hell with them,.  They're most likely just jealous busy-bodies any way.  It's your life, so live it your way.  Don't let how many summers you've seen determine whether you're going to play with your x-box or shuffleboard.

A year is a unit of time.  Other than the fact we physically age, it is meaningless.  It most likely isn't even real.  Consider this, on Earth a year is roughly 365 days,  but on Mercury it only take about 89 days while out on Jupiter it takes 11.8 eight Earth years.  Albeit I am 45 here, on Mercury I would be almost 189 & on Pluto I wouldn't even be a year old yet.  The point is simple, time is relative, age is relative, so why should we allow it to be treated concretely in our lives?


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