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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Letter O...

Option is the word of the day.  While the word may have other uses, I'm looking at it from the aspect of choice.  Would you like the luxury options on the car?  

There are some times in life where we have few or even no options.  We don't have the option of not being + once we're diagnosed.   Options are tricky business, because not all of them are equal.   Some are;

  • First choice options
  • All right choices
  • Will do in a pinch options
  • Only if I have to options
  • Not on your life options
  • Not-applicable options
  • Surprise options
Perhaps the easiest way to think of this is consider it via a dining experience.  What is you favorite thing to get at your restaurant of choice?   Then what's your backup in case that's not available?  What's your backup's, backup?  What's the place you go eat when you only a fifteen minute lunch?  What will you absolutely not eat?  What if you're a vegetarian & the restaurant has no vegetarian options?  What happens when you go out to eat & order you fav thing but get something totally different, do you try it or send it back?

There are things we have to do repeatedly in our lives & there are situations that we can prepare for ahead of time.  If you have considered all the possible options, then when it comes time to make the choice, the situation will usually run smoother.  

  1. What will you do if your check runs late?
  2. What will you do if a bill runs late?
  3. What will you do if you get sick?
  4. What will you do if a friend or relative needs a place to crash?
  5. What will you do if you find yourself alone in life?
Options can be scary business.  Sometimes, it seems like there are a millions of them.  Some of them aren't what they seem on the surface.  Sometimes people are really pushing choices that aren't in your best interest.  If you can plan ahead, you should.  If you can take time, you should.  

When you find out that you're +, you have options.

  1. Will I seek treatment?
  2. Will I adhere to a treatment regimen?
  3. Will I tell others?
  4. Will I be honest with myself about the matter?
  5. Will I just act like nothing happened?
Options can be made on the fly & often have to be.  Options can be made emotionally or intellectually.  They can be a matter of committee or of a single person.  What options are you facing in life?  Would you like fries with that order...?


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