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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Letter N...

The word Now is representing "N"today.  Now is an unusual word, in that it can be an adverb, adjective, noun or conjunction.  Regardless of it's use in sentence structure, the word denotes a point in time, the present.  That's hot right now.  We're going to the store now.  Now, why did you go & do that?

Now is the time we live in, not the future or the past.  We can not reside in either other state of time, but many of us try.  It's easy to get nostalgic & think of all those yesterdays.  However, those days are past & to focus on them is robbing you of living your life now.  Many of us worry about the future & what it may hold, but as the saying goes, que sera sera.  Whatever will be, will be.  We can make plans & prepare for the future, but if all our energy is focused on the then, we are wasting what we have in front of us now.

Living in the now should be easy, but it isn't for a lot of us, myself included.  When most everything you had is gone, it's easy to fixate when it was still there.  When $ is an issue, it's normal to worry about paying that next bill.  

As a + person, I have to accept that I do live in the now.  I can not go back to a time when I wasn't +.  Nor can I simply allow myself to focus on all the future might be's.  If I did, I'd drive myself nuts.  The Virgo in me wants to organize my life so when the future comes, it's less of a threat.  It seems that now can be a messy place & that nothing ever seems to come together as neatly as we want it to.  The past is filled with what-ifs & unfinished business.  The future is minefield of crisis & possibilities, good & bad. 

Now is the only place we live.  So remember the past, plan for the future but live for the now.  What other choice do you really have?


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