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Monday, January 16, 2012

The Letter M...

"M" is the letter of today & our word is Magnanimous.   This refers to someone who is noble, compassionate & forgiving.  Not a set of words I always identify with in my life.  I think it tells a lot about a person on how they handle things in their lives.  I tend to watch how people treat others they claim are close to them.  If that person treats his friends or family badly, how well am I going to fare?

There are things I watch for.  I watch how people treat those they feel are socially less than them.  How do they treat small animals?  Do they get a long with their co-workers?  How do they treat people once they find out the person is +?  

I am by know means saying that I'm magnanimous.  I may have my moments or kindness & compassion, but I am not that forgiving.   I'm not sure I even know anyone who fits the bill.  Most often I've heard the word used sarcastically in something like, "Oh, how magnanimous of you..."  I think it's easier to be magnanimous, once you've been knocked down a few pegs in life.  Some people can be compassionate without experiencing the darker side of life, but most of us have to experience the bad before we can understand it & the damage it can do.

Should we be magnanimous?  Probably more so than we are as a whole.  Do I think I can be this way?  Probably not.  That's OK though, we can't all be magnanimous or else the word would be fairly meaningless. As would the experience of actually meeting someone who was that gracious.

Do you know any one who is magnanimous?  Are  you?  Do you want to be?


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