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Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Letter K...

I'm sure some will disagree with my statements about the word brought to us by the letter, "K", Kith.  The word refers to your friends, acquaintances & the like.  The word is most heard in the phrase, "Kith and kin,"  in other words friends & relations.

Personally, I think that they got the order right.  I feel kith is more important & says a lot more about who you are.  You have no choice in who you're related to, your parents could be great or downright useless.  Your cousins could be award winning scientists or sociopathic hillbillies.  All the blood relation stuff is a roll of the die that you can't change.

Friends on the other hand are chosen.  You choose them & vice verse.    Sure some will leave throughout your life, but the ones that stay do so of their own accord.  They have no prescribed social mandate to remain in your life, they just do.  Friendship is far more about loyalty & trust than family is.

Some will say that families are innately more loyal.  BULL!!!.  Families break apart just as often as friendships & usually with more devastating consequences.  Some say that family should come before all.  Sounds like a  cult to me.  Families are usually far less concerned with you as an individual than are your friendships.

It's some of our nature to roam & that will usually take us away from our family.  Makes it easier to make sure you don't wind up married to a cousin.  It also puts us in a position to more apt to depend on friends than family.  

Sometimes, friendships evolve, into something more, another form of family.  I'm not talking about marriages.  I'm talking about the friends you've had forever, who know you better than anyone else.  I'm talking about the living arrangement on Golden Girls.  Those women were family, even if legally they were only friends.

Kin is about what society & family tell you.  Kith is about the world & reality created among your friends & you.  Kith is potentially less stable, but also possibly far more rewarding.  Keep you friends close to your heart.


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