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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Letter H...

Today, the letter "H" is for Habitat.   Put simply, a habitat is where something resides or lives.  For us, our habitat is our home.  I realize that I am assuming that the reader has a home, but it's the point of view I'm working with here.  Our homes may not be our castles, they might even be ours or ours alone, but they are the place where we spend a good chunk, if not most, of our time.  

We realize that our home needs to shelter us from the elements, but it also needs to shelter us from harm.  Sometimes in order for it to do that, we have to act first to protect our habitat from encroachers.    While a robber certainly qualifies as an encroacher, it isn't what I'm talking about in this instance.  

It is our duty to ourselves to remove as many of these encroachers as possible.  These can be nasty little things like bugs, mice, salespeople, religious solicitors or other similar vermin.  Or the more insidious type like  relatives & "friends".  Just because someone is related to you does not mean that they have your best interest in mind.  Even if they do have your best interest at hand, it's what they've filtered through their perspective for you & it may be utterly inappropriate.

Friends & relatives can be overly invasive.  They can be passive-aggressive, nosey or overbearing.  Even if they aren't meaning to be so, you have the right to inform them that are being so & to stop it immediately.  If they don't like it they can always leave your home.  Your home should be your refuge.  

You have to learn to put up boundaries in your life, especially your home & enforce them.  Your residence should be a place where you feel safe.  You can relax & recuperate.  While you can't get every stressor, you should rid yourself of as many as possible.  Whether that is unwelcome guests, pest, clutter, etc... it's time for those things to get out of your home.  It's time for your home, to be just that "Your Home".   It's time to clean house, figuratively & literally.


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