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Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Letter E...

We are brought here today by the letter "E" & the word Educate.  In it's simplest form, educate means by whatever means to introduce information or skills to someone.  While education is usually seen as going from one person/entity to another.  In regards to HIV, the most important part of the matter is that of self-education.  

When you are +, your doctors will tell you some of the story, your pharmacist another part & case workers another.  Still that is no where near the whole story.  I hate to say this, but when you are +, you are mostly on your own to teach yourself all the things you need to know about living as a + person.  

Some things you will bumble through & learn from the experience.  However, much of this is going to be found by talking to other people & researching the matter at hand on the net.   What topics will you pursue?

  • Assistance programs & support groups
  • Disability
  • Legal aspects of being +
  • Medications & interactions
  • Overall health matters for the + person
Those are just a few of the things you'll end up having to find out for yourself.  There will be a lot more than that.  I would say that easily 85% or more of what I know about being +; my meds, disability & everything else I had to research.  A large part of the information I received from my doctors & other professionals was either completely wrong, not applicable or outdated. 

Your health is your responsibility.  It falls to you to be diligent & educate yourself about every aspect of your + life.  You can really only count on yourself to find out the information you need to know.  Don't let it overwhelm you.  Start with one thing & research it.  Slowly you will develop a knowledge base of information, web-sites, informed people & other resources to help you through this all.

Happy Hunting & Cya

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