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Monday, January 30, 2012

Clean Slate...

This is going to be a shorter post.  I just finished the alphabet challenge & I'm glad I undertook it.   It gave me a means to focus my writing on my life with HIV.  I'm considering a couple of other routes for the next jaunt of my writing.  I'll figure it out by tomorrow.

For now, I wanted to say that if you blog & haven't taken the alphabet challenge you might want to consider it.  It allowed me a different approach to my blogging.  I took a lot away from the experience. 

For now, it's a clean slate.  January is almost over.  We are almost an month into 2012.  So far, 2012 hasn't been as rough on us as 2011.  We had a minor bit of plumbing work done, still it cost $170.00.  I could've handled it myself, except the person who plumbed the sink before had really "rigged" it & soldered it to boot.  The plumber literally had to break the connections to get them out from under the sink.  

The weather is a mess.  It can't figure out that it's supposed to be winter.  It'll hit 70 F today & we have little blue flowers with bees flitting around in the front yard.  We'll probably have a blizzard next week.

I am still waiting on word from my dentist on what's happening with my insurance.  I had labs drawn for my upcoming telemedicine appointment.  It was reasonably well.  Looks like I need to start watching my blood pressure closer.

So, far that's about it for my January.  How was yours?


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