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Saturday, September 17, 2011

What's This, What's That, Take Two...


  1. It's cooled down significantly.  Today's highs may hit the 80's F.
  2. The majority of the fans are off & windows closed.
  3. The fan noise is mostly gone.
  4. But now there are buzzes, whirls, creaks, chirps, squawks, etc....

What are all those damn noises?  I hear something & it's like, "what's that?". They I search for the noise to identify it.  The problem is simple, after months of fan noise, I don't recognize normal noises.


  1. Computer fans
  2. Refrigerator compressors
  3. Ice machine dumping & filling
  4. Floor/Door/Structure creaks
  5. Mockingbird hell noises
  6. Crows
  7. Dogs
  8. Neighbors' phones
  9. Trains at night
  10. Outside ambient noise like wind & bugs

These noises sound like sirens to us right now, but in a short time, they'll fade into the background & we won't even notice them.  The price of getting rid of the loud fan noise, is that you reveal all the other sounds the fans were buffering.  Fall is nearly here, bringing us all it's sounds as well as colors & weather.  


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