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Monday, September 19, 2011

Surveying The Damage...

It'll take a while longer, for some things even into next Spring, for all the damage to be accessed.  What damage? The ever lengthening list of things that were done in by this Summer's heat.  So far I can list.

  1. Numerous flowering bushes in the yard that have either been stunted or completely killed off, even after careful watering.
  2. Seals on windows & doors around the house have separated.
  3. Without the typical humidity of Oklahoma summers, all the woodwork is exceptionally dried out.
  4. The electricity bill is bound to go up after that summer's bills.
That's just the stuff that I can see & know has happened.  That doesn't mention the stuff that will probably pop up over the year & that doesn't even consider all the people who make their livelihoods during summer.

  1. Hay season was a disaster.  Some farmers didn't even get a tenth of their normal hay in this year.
  2. The fires are still burning in some parts & have utterly burned  out huge sections of the South.
  3. The drought carries on throughout the South with no signs of serious reprieve. 
  4. Other crops have been decimated.
  5. Ranchers have lost a lot of animals this summer.
  6. Locals who earn their summer keep by doing lawns & the like, were left without any income.
  7. Summer based vacation businesses were a bust this year.
These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head & just those I know have happened in my immediate area.  Imagine how bad this has been throughout the entire south.  That isn't even mentioning the people who died this year from the heat.  The summer may be winding down, but there's going to be a huge bill for this season still to be paid.

I can only hope that 2012 is a milder year than its predecessor.


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