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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weather Blahs...

I gripe a lot about the weather & I know it.  But, the weather pretty much dictates how I feel a lot of the time.  Last night was supposed to be cool & rainy, but turned out to be fairly warm & extremely muggy.  I woke up stiff & my stomach feeling like a rocket moved into it.  The transitions of dusk & dawn have been really difficult on me lately.  This summer we dealt with excessive heat & now we're dealing with 30 - 40 F degree shifts during the day & night.  Yesterday, it got up to 102 according to weather channel, tomorrow is possibly going to only reach  highs in the upper 60's.  That's nearly a 40 degree drop.  No wonder my body feels like crap.  That isn't even taking into consideration the changes in humidity.  Damn, I sound like an old person.

OK, weather pick one for a few days & then you can move on to the next one.  Like that's going to help.


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