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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Flying Time...

From May to August the days seemed to drag.   Now that we're in September, it feels like the days have sped up.  I'd noticed it & my roomie mentioned it this morning.

My conclusion is that the days are going by faster.  The days are shortening.   We are sleeping much deeper in the cooler weather.  We aren't so drained & exhausted as we had been throughout the Summer.  The cooler weather allows for the monotonous drone of fans to be mostly silenced.   Fall has taken away many of those annoyances.  No longer are the heat, noise & frustration of Summer bombarding our already frayed nerves.

In November, the Daylight Saving Time thing will end & we will fall back into our lost hour.   That will make the days start earlier, but the night's set in sooner.  Regardless, the days will be shorter & we will sleep more.  The time will seem to pass by more quickly than in the heated months of Summer.

For now, I enjoy the Fall, I only wish it'd last longer.


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