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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Changes, Take Two...

A while back DC comics announced a semi-sorta reboot of their comic book continuity or reality.  This set the comic world a blaze in argument, derision & declarations of how unfair was to the readers.  There a lot of people who critiqued these new comics months before they were released.  I guess those people could see the future.  Other's swore to never by another DC comic again, hah.  Well, the day arrived & the new comics were released & ta-da, the sells were pretty good.  The stories are new & so for I'm liking most of them.  So much for the roar.

Now, it's Netflix's turn.  Recently they raised their prices, the first time in years & in this economy, that's unheard of.  Hell, every time I buy milk it goes up a few cents.  Now Netflix has decided to split it's mail order & the streaming side of it's business.  Here come the flaming arrows & troll attacks.  Not to mention their renaming their mail service.  Do I think they should've done this? No.  But, I'm not in control of the company.

Mailing DVD's & streaming media are totally different phenomenon.  They require different technologies & costs.  I am not upset with the separation, but I don't think it needed to be apparent to the public.  They are going to offer game rentals, which isn't that big a deal for me, but it might be for others.    Will this new phase work or flop?  I don't know.  I  don't see why it shouldn't.  Only time will tell.  For now, I'll wait & see & hope for the best.  

Seriously, I am tired of the Debbie-Downers & Bitchy-Betties.  At least give something a chance to thrive before declaring it DOA.  Beyond that, where can you find a bargain like Netflix, with the businesses credibility?  The answer to that is, nowhere.   I am hopeful & relatively certain Netflix/Qwikster will survive this bump in the road & continue to thrive.  It's all just about changes & changes they do happen, so just deal already.


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