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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Day I Will Not Address...

We all know what today is & I refuse to address it.  We all know what happened & I refuse to acknowledge it any further.  There is no good to be found in the past, especially not in an incident of this nature.  The only the thing that can be found in dwelling on this subject is anger, bitterness & hatred.

The path to recovery is not in the past, it is in the now.  It is not going to be found dwelling on wrongs done to those who were there.   Healing can not be found in anger & bitterness.

Unfortunately many who spit their vile about this day are not interested in healing, recovery or moving forward.  These people are using this day to promote their warped view on religion &/or politics.  They long to make political & business moves that require that this wound to stay raw & infected.  

These people who are mongers of loathing & greed cover their interests in sweet smiles while screaming hate. There is nothing holy or patriotic in letting this wound fester.  There is nothing remotely ethical in keeping this subject fresh & preventing this nation from moving forward into a new future.  

Ten years ago, a horrid thing happened.  Retaliation was issued & vengeance demanded.  Neither of those things will undo what happened, heal the damage done or bring us into a better world.  It is time for a change. Continuing to carry this cancerous weight in our nation's hearts will never bring honor to those died on that day.

I will no longer acknowledge this day.  I will no longer watch or listen to anything pertaining to it.  I will no longer be part of the horror in which we continue to wallow.  Hopefully, we can let go of this & move on with our lives.


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