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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fair Weather Friends...

Fair weather friends & by that I mean cats.  The cats have wanted next to nothing to do with me or my room for the last few months.  Yet, let the temperature drop & the fans go off & they act like they own my bed.  They are there when I wake up & they lounge on my bed most of the day.  When I wake up in the morning, one of them has commandeered my computer chair likes she's Captain Kirk or something.

Part of it must have to do with this blue blanket I laid across the foot of my bed.  It's a typical cheap, fuzzy, blue blanket, but it's a proverbial cat magnet.  I put it there once the fans were off, to protect my feet from the  nightly cat races across my bed.  Once that blanket  hits my bed, it's like an open invitation to the cats, "open for business."

Oh well, they're here now & will only get friendlier as the weather cools.  By next Summer they'll be like "eeeww sleep with a human, never."


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