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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chilly Down...

We have yet to get the rain the weatherman keeps promising, but the cool down has arrived.  It's noon & not even into the 70's F.  Considering less than a month  ago the temperatures were averaging well above the century mark by this time of day, the 60's are down right chilly.

Right now, we're in the "Is it too cold to leave the windows open or not?" time of year.  For now the windows are open, but the fans are on hiatus.  Thank heavens, that noise was driving me bonkers.  The sound of a fan at night while you sleep is lulling.  The noise produced by a lot of different sized fans all at once is annoying.

We are supposed to warm up again after this front moves through & we should stabilize into normal Autumn weather patterns.  I am looking forward to a bit of normal weather for a while.  The cats & my roomie would certainly appreciate as well.


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