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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Remember Me...

It's that time of the year again.  As the weather cools & the days shorten, one thing is bound to happen.  My roomie & myself will become quite popular, en vogue even.  No we will not on the A-List  at some pretentious club with a velvet rope.   We won't be dining at some 3 Michelin Star restaurant's chef table.  Hell, we won't even be getting an invite to some special shopping club.  

But, what we will be is all the all the rage for the cats.  Yes, that's it, cats.  All summer long, we've been given the "Don't even think about touching me," glare, but now those days are gone.  Now, we have moved from the necessary evil that feeds them & cleans their box, to the oh-so-sweet humans who produce warmth they can siphon off into their little furry bodies.

For cats, need is in direct correlation with love.  The more they need you, the more they love you.  They are nature's little whores.  During the summer, sure the food & a clean box are nice, but I could just go out & hunt & do my business behind that bush.  Let the cold come back & it's, "Oh what a wonderful human you are."

But, I know, once the heater comes on, their love affair with it will begin & I will be cast aside again.  At least til I turn the heater off.  Then once Spring comes, they'll be gone for the season.  So is the way of the cat.


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