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Friday, September 30, 2011

Bye, Septmeber....

This was the fastest flash of a month this year.  September, was barely here & now it's gone.  I wish July & August had flown by so quickly.  That might've made that horrible summer heat tolerable.  My birth month is ending & opening in to the month of Libras & Halloween.  

We went shopping today.  Not a bad trip, but the roomie is a little under the weather.   The weather is still being capricious, but it is supposed to stay relatively cooler for the next few days.  It might actually get a bit nippy at night.

Not much going on for the rest of the day, except for TV watching & cooking, possibly some dished & laundry. We'll have to see on those last two.  It all just depends on what I feel like doing later.


PS:  Catcha next year September

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