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Monday, September 12, 2011

Ragweed Is The Devil...

I hate allergy season & it is back with a vengeance.   The primary culprit is ragweed & ragweed is the devil.   I know it is.  I  googled. "ragweed is the devil" & within 0.19 seconds I had over 175 hits.  

It's fairly benign looking plant.   The plant isn't what makes ragweed such a bother.  It's the spikey balls of pollen it produces.

Even with allergy meds, this thing is still a pest.   It makes my eyes water & itch.  It leaves me with a stuffed up nose & a lot of drainage.  That's all after I have taken allergy meds.  So, ragweed is the devil & the world should be exorcised of it's very existence.


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