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Friday, September 30, 2011

Bye, Septmeber....

This was the fastest flash of a month this year.  September, was barely here & now it's gone.  I wish July & August had flown by so quickly.  That might've made that horrible summer heat tolerable.  My birth month is ending & opening in to the month of Libras & Halloween.  

We went shopping today.  Not a bad trip, but the roomie is a little under the weather.   The weather is still being capricious, but it is supposed to stay relatively cooler for the next few days.  It might actually get a bit nippy at night.

Not much going on for the rest of the day, except for TV watching & cooking, possibly some dished & laundry. We'll have to see on those last two.  It all just depends on what I feel like doing later.


PS:  Catcha next year September

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Trusting...

Today's post will be short.  I'm not having a trusting relationship with my electricity company lately.  There have been power blips in the early afternoon for the past several days. They don't last for long, but long enough to reset nearly every piece of electronics in the house.

This is very annoying & hard on the equipment.  My little stereo near my computer is toast.  I can still run an Aux line through it but that's it.  It's bad enough to live in a house with ancient wiring, but when you're local provider can't keep the power flowing at a constant level, it's worse.

I hate power blips, because they could actually be an outage & leave the house without electricity for who knows how long.   I go rather Dyson on things like this, "I just think things should work properly."  Hopefully we'll be past these power blips soon.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take Out The Trash. Part II...

Twas' the night before Trash Day, we searched through the house
For busted light bulbs, old curry, even a stained blouse
The trash bags were filled up to the brim with care
Taken to the curb, knowing soon the Garbage Men would be there

Today is Trash Day Eve.  On this day we take our offerings of garbage, trash & other waste to the curb for them to be ritually received the next morning by the garbage men.   Doesn't this just make the whole chore of taking out the trash seem so much more gentile & full of sacramental value?  Hah.

We take trash out on this day to get it out of the house.  I sort of like this process.  I know that after this is done, there is that much less stuff cluttering up the house.  I am not the neatest of people, but I don't really appreciate clutter.  Most houses have some & it can be operational clutter.  But, I'd prefer it to be limited to a drawer or storage room.

Well, at least it's done for this week.  Now we wait for the next Trash Day.  I hope Trash Day never goes overly commercial like Christmas.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seasonal Stickage, Again...

Had to go get blood drawn today.  It'll be at least a week before I get the test results.  Here's hoping the results are better than last time around.   My next appointment with the Telemedicine people is in mid October.  That should be the last scheduled doctor's appointment of the year.  Woohoo

That's all for now.


Monday, September 26, 2011


Many skill-based realty shows are watched in my home.  My roomie & me both like them.  But recently, some of them have begun to seriously annoy us.  Here are some suggestions for contestants on these shows.

  1. Do not go on Survivor if:
    1. You can't swim
    2. You can't start a fire
    3. You hate roughing it
    4. You despise insects & vermin
  2. Do not go on  Big Brother if:
    1. You don't like being near other people
    2. You are claustrophobic
  3. Do not go on Top Chef if:
    1. You only cook "insert type" food
    2. You don't understand basic culinary terms/tools
  4. Do not go on Top Chef: Just Desserts if:
    1. You can only work in one sweet medium
    2. You aren't current
  5. Do not go on Top Shot if:
    1. You are only competent in one type of firearm
    2. You have the personality of bitter cactus rolled in manure
  6. Do not go on Amazing Race  if:
    1. You can't drive a standard transmission
    2. You are afraid of heights
    3. You can't navigate an airport
    4. You are an culturally insensitive ass
  7. Do not go on  Hell's Kitchen if:
    1. You can't handle being yelled at
    2. You aren't healthy enough to endure it
  8. Do not go on  Expedition Impossible if:
    1. You can't read a map
    2. You aren't proficient in multiple modes of travel
  9. Do not go on  America's Next Top Model if:
    1. You can't handle criticism
    2. You can't take instruction
    3. You can't focus
    4. You can't be punctual 
  10. Do not go on All American Handyman if:
    1. You can't follow instructions
    2. You don't know your tools
  11. Do not go on Next Food Network Star if:
    1. You panic in front of a camera
    2. You can't be concise
  12. Do not go on Chopped if:
    1. You are going to argue with the judges
    2. You have a limited familiarity with culinary products
  13. Do not go on SoYTYCDance  if:
    1. You can't take choreography
    2. You have an issue with the opposite sex
  14. Do not go on any SINGING contest if:
    1. You can't sing
    2. You can't handle a critique
    3. You can't memorize lyrics
    4. You're tone deaf
  15. Do not go on  Cupcake Wars if:
    1. You are slow
    2. You can't adapt
  16. Do not go on HGTV's Design Star if:
    1. You can't see the whole picture
    2. You have no original ideas of your own
    3. You have a horrible camera presence
    4. You can't work with others
There are some suggestions for all the would be contestants on these shows & other similar shows.  Please take note of them or try out for my favorite reality show.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Flying Time...

From May to August the days seemed to drag.   Now that we're in September, it feels like the days have sped up.  I'd noticed it & my roomie mentioned it this morning.

My conclusion is that the days are going by faster.  The days are shortening.   We are sleeping much deeper in the cooler weather.  We aren't so drained & exhausted as we had been throughout the Summer.  The cooler weather allows for the monotonous drone of fans to be mostly silenced.   Fall has taken away many of those annoyances.  No longer are the heat, noise & frustration of Summer bombarding our already frayed nerves.

In November, the Daylight Saving Time thing will end & we will fall back into our lost hour.   That will make the days start earlier, but the night's set in sooner.  Regardless, the days will be shorter & we will sleep more.  The time will seem to pass by more quickly than in the heated months of Summer.

For now, I enjoy the Fall, I only wish it'd last longer.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Playing Catch Up...

It seems that somehow there is always something that needs to be done & get's pushed back for one reason or another.  Today's catch up isn't that big of a deal, it's getting through all the TV programs that aired this week that we didn't catch on the first run.  This is the time of the big test of some shows.  For the new ones, will they make it onto our permanent roster?  I'd so very much love it, if they actually had more of line up on Mondays & considered playing some new material on Saturdays.  That way not everything would be loaded up on Wednesdays & Thursdays.  

So the plan for today is, cook some, clean some, take a shower & watch television.  Might not pay the rent, but it's a plan.  


Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn Is Here...

It is the first day of the new season & Fall is upon us.  Fall means so many things to me:

  1. School is in full swing
  2. Harvest & Fairs
  3. Hay Rides
  4. Chilly nights & jackets
  5. The time change
  6. Friendlier cats who want warmth
  7. Leaves changing colors
  8. People baking sweets & cooking stews
  9. Better TV
  10. Halloween
I could go on, but instead I'll leave you with some songs that make me think of fall.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Raining Again...

We're not supposed to get into the 70's F today.  The rain has brought a chill to the air.  It's nippy enough that the semi-outdoor cat has become a semi-indoor one.  Not much going on today.  Just looking at some videos & listening to the rain.  I'm just surfing & typing this little bit out.  I'll head over to Fort Smith to pick up my roomie from a friend's house. Then it'll be back home for the day.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Changes, Take Two...

A while back DC comics announced a semi-sorta reboot of their comic book continuity or reality.  This set the comic world a blaze in argument, derision & declarations of how unfair was to the readers.  There a lot of people who critiqued these new comics months before they were released.  I guess those people could see the future.  Other's swore to never by another DC comic again, hah.  Well, the day arrived & the new comics were released & ta-da, the sells were pretty good.  The stories are new & so for I'm liking most of them.  So much for the roar.

Now, it's Netflix's turn.  Recently they raised their prices, the first time in years & in this economy, that's unheard of.  Hell, every time I buy milk it goes up a few cents.  Now Netflix has decided to split it's mail order & the streaming side of it's business.  Here come the flaming arrows & troll attacks.  Not to mention their renaming their mail service.  Do I think they should've done this? No.  But, I'm not in control of the company.

Mailing DVD's & streaming media are totally different phenomenon.  They require different technologies & costs.  I am not upset with the separation, but I don't think it needed to be apparent to the public.  They are going to offer game rentals, which isn't that big a deal for me, but it might be for others.    Will this new phase work or flop?  I don't know.  I  don't see why it shouldn't.  Only time will tell.  For now, I'll wait & see & hope for the best.  

Seriously, I am tired of the Debbie-Downers & Bitchy-Betties.  At least give something a chance to thrive before declaring it DOA.  Beyond that, where can you find a bargain like Netflix, with the businesses credibility?  The answer to that is, nowhere.   I am hopeful & relatively certain Netflix/Qwikster will survive this bump in the road & continue to thrive.  It's all just about changes & changes they do happen, so just deal already.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Remember Me...

It's that time of the year again.  As the weather cools & the days shorten, one thing is bound to happen.  My roomie & myself will become quite popular, en vogue even.  No we will not on the A-List  at some pretentious club with a velvet rope.   We won't be dining at some 3 Michelin Star restaurant's chef table.  Hell, we won't even be getting an invite to some special shopping club.  

But, what we will be is all the all the rage for the cats.  Yes, that's it, cats.  All summer long, we've been given the "Don't even think about touching me," glare, but now those days are gone.  Now, we have moved from the necessary evil that feeds them & cleans their box, to the oh-so-sweet humans who produce warmth they can siphon off into their little furry bodies.

For cats, need is in direct correlation with love.  The more they need you, the more they love you.  They are nature's little whores.  During the summer, sure the food & a clean box are nice, but I could just go out & hunt & do my business behind that bush.  Let the cold come back & it's, "Oh what a wonderful human you are."

But, I know, once the heater comes on, their love affair with it will begin & I will be cast aside again.  At least til I turn the heater off.  Then once Spring comes, they'll be gone for the season.  So is the way of the cat.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Surveying The Damage...

It'll take a while longer, for some things even into next Spring, for all the damage to be accessed.  What damage? The ever lengthening list of things that were done in by this Summer's heat.  So far I can list.

  1. Numerous flowering bushes in the yard that have either been stunted or completely killed off, even after careful watering.
  2. Seals on windows & doors around the house have separated.
  3. Without the typical humidity of Oklahoma summers, all the woodwork is exceptionally dried out.
  4. The electricity bill is bound to go up after that summer's bills.
That's just the stuff that I can see & know has happened.  That doesn't mention the stuff that will probably pop up over the year & that doesn't even consider all the people who make their livelihoods during summer.

  1. Hay season was a disaster.  Some farmers didn't even get a tenth of their normal hay in this year.
  2. The fires are still burning in some parts & have utterly burned  out huge sections of the South.
  3. The drought carries on throughout the South with no signs of serious reprieve. 
  4. Other crops have been decimated.
  5. Ranchers have lost a lot of animals this summer.
  6. Locals who earn their summer keep by doing lawns & the like, were left without any income.
  7. Summer based vacation businesses were a bust this year.
These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head & just those I know have happened in my immediate area.  Imagine how bad this has been throughout the entire south.  That isn't even mentioning the people who died this year from the heat.  The summer may be winding down, but there's going to be a huge bill for this season still to be paid.

I can only hope that 2012 is a milder year than its predecessor.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sleeping Weather...

Last night was the first really decent sleeping weather of the season.  It rained fairly hard & got the humidity out of the air.  I actually woke up not feeling stiff as the proverbial board.  The rain washed away some of the allergens floating in the air.  Overall, this has been a pretty good morning.

I'm not going to type much today.  The storms have left our electricity a bit jumpy & it keeps blinking in & out.  This is the first time my head has felt clear in quite a while.  I haven't able to concentrate on much due to allergies & an abundance of stiffness.  Hopefully, the weather will level out for a while & I can get some things dealt with that I keep putting off.

I hope you all are having nice weather wherever you might be...


Saturday, September 17, 2011

What's This, What's That, Take Two...


  1. It's cooled down significantly.  Today's highs may hit the 80's F.
  2. The majority of the fans are off & windows closed.
  3. The fan noise is mostly gone.
  4. But now there are buzzes, whirls, creaks, chirps, squawks, etc....

What are all those damn noises?  I hear something & it's like, "what's that?". They I search for the noise to identify it.  The problem is simple, after months of fan noise, I don't recognize normal noises.


  1. Computer fans
  2. Refrigerator compressors
  3. Ice machine dumping & filling
  4. Floor/Door/Structure creaks
  5. Mockingbird hell noises
  6. Crows
  7. Dogs
  8. Neighbors' phones
  9. Trains at night
  10. Outside ambient noise like wind & bugs

These noises sound like sirens to us right now, but in a short time, they'll fade into the background & we won't even notice them.  The price of getting rid of the loud fan noise, is that you reveal all the other sounds the fans were buffering.  Fall is nearly here, bringing us all it's sounds as well as colors & weather.  


Friday, September 16, 2011

Not Today...

Just not in that much of a mood to type today.  We went shopping & got lunch together, but that's about all that's on the agenda until this evening.   So I'll leave you with some videos about what's going on in my part of the world today.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chilly Down...

We have yet to get the rain the weatherman keeps promising, but the cool down has arrived.  It's noon & not even into the 70's F.  Considering less than a month  ago the temperatures were averaging well above the century mark by this time of day, the 60's are down right chilly.

Right now, we're in the "Is it too cold to leave the windows open or not?" time of year.  For now the windows are open, but the fans are on hiatus.  Thank heavens, that noise was driving me bonkers.  The sound of a fan at night while you sleep is lulling.  The noise produced by a lot of different sized fans all at once is annoying.

We are supposed to warm up again after this front moves through & we should stabilize into normal Autumn weather patterns.  I am looking forward to a bit of normal weather for a while.  The cats & my roomie would certainly appreciate as well.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weather Blahs...

I gripe a lot about the weather & I know it.  But, the weather pretty much dictates how I feel a lot of the time.  Last night was supposed to be cool & rainy, but turned out to be fairly warm & extremely muggy.  I woke up stiff & my stomach feeling like a rocket moved into it.  The transitions of dusk & dawn have been really difficult on me lately.  This summer we dealt with excessive heat & now we're dealing with 30 - 40 F degree shifts during the day & night.  Yesterday, it got up to 102 according to weather channel, tomorrow is possibly going to only reach  highs in the upper 60's.  That's nearly a 40 degree drop.  No wonder my body feels like crap.  That isn't even taking into consideration the changes in humidity.  Damn, I sound like an old person.

OK, weather pick one for a few days & then you can move on to the next one.  Like that's going to help.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10, 9 , 8 ...

The countdown is on, are is that countdowns?

There are this many full days left before:
  • Fall Equinox  -          09 days
  • Halloween  -             47 days
  • Thanksgiving -          71 days
  • Winter Solstice -       99 days
  • Christmas -            102 days
  • New Year's Eve -     108 days

We are in the final third of the year 2011.  We are heading into the final quarter.   2011 is on well on the downward swing.   Is any one ready for the dates listed above?   I am ready for that & more.    Here's hoping that 2012 isn't quite as hard a year as 2011 has been.  

Doing a countdown list is such a Virgoan thing to do.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Ragweed Is The Devil...

I hate allergy season & it is back with a vengeance.   The primary culprit is ragweed & ragweed is the devil.   I know it is.  I  googled. "ragweed is the devil" & within 0.19 seconds I had over 175 hits.  

It's fairly benign looking plant.   The plant isn't what makes ragweed such a bother.  It's the spikey balls of pollen it produces.

Even with allergy meds, this thing is still a pest.   It makes my eyes water & itch.  It leaves me with a stuffed up nose & a lot of drainage.  That's all after I have taken allergy meds.  So, ragweed is the devil & the world should be exorcised of it's very existence.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Day I Will Not Address...

We all know what today is & I refuse to address it.  We all know what happened & I refuse to acknowledge it any further.  There is no good to be found in the past, especially not in an incident of this nature.  The only the thing that can be found in dwelling on this subject is anger, bitterness & hatred.

The path to recovery is not in the past, it is in the now.  It is not going to be found dwelling on wrongs done to those who were there.   Healing can not be found in anger & bitterness.

Unfortunately many who spit their vile about this day are not interested in healing, recovery or moving forward.  These people are using this day to promote their warped view on religion &/or politics.  They long to make political & business moves that require that this wound to stay raw & infected.  

These people who are mongers of loathing & greed cover their interests in sweet smiles while screaming hate. There is nothing holy or patriotic in letting this wound fester.  There is nothing remotely ethical in keeping this subject fresh & preventing this nation from moving forward into a new future.  

Ten years ago, a horrid thing happened.  Retaliation was issued & vengeance demanded.  Neither of those things will undo what happened, heal the damage done or bring us into a better world.  It is time for a change. Continuing to carry this cancerous weight in our nation's hearts will never bring honor to those died on that day.

I will no longer acknowledge this day.  I will no longer watch or listen to anything pertaining to it.  I will no longer be part of the horror in which we continue to wallow.  Hopefully, we can let go of this & move on with our lives.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fair Weather Friends...

Fair weather friends & by that I mean cats.  The cats have wanted next to nothing to do with me or my room for the last few months.  Yet, let the temperature drop & the fans go off & they act like they own my bed.  They are there when I wake up & they lounge on my bed most of the day.  When I wake up in the morning, one of them has commandeered my computer chair likes she's Captain Kirk or something.

Part of it must have to do with this blue blanket I laid across the foot of my bed.  It's a typical cheap, fuzzy, blue blanket, but it's a proverbial cat magnet.  I put it there once the fans were off, to protect my feet from the  nightly cat races across my bed.  Once that blanket  hits my bed, it's like an open invitation to the cats, "open for business."

Oh well, they're here now & will only get friendlier as the weather cools.  By next Summer they'll be like "eeeww sleep with a human, never."


Friday, September 9, 2011

Hopes For The Fall...

These are my top five wishes for the upcoming season.  I am sure there are others &  maybe some more important, but these are mine.

  1. I hope the fall colors haven't been destroyed by the Summer's horrid heatwave.  
  2. I hope this Autumn lasts long enough to actually enjoy before jumping straight into Winter.
  3. I hope the harvest is better than everyone expects it to be.
  4. I hope the carnivals & fairs are full of wonders & thrills for all those people attending.
  5. I hope the holidays of fall are exciting & memorable.
May you wishes for the season come to be...


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lazy Day...

I doubt I'll accomplish much more today than what I already have.  It's just one of those days.  That kind when no matter what all you really have to do, you just don't care & can't get motivated.  That's today.  The weather is mild & there isn't all that much to do any way.    So, I'll write more tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Windows Closed...

Last night for the first this season, I closed my windows due to the chill.  I'm actually glad we are supposed to warm up a bit & stay in the low 90's for a while.  I want a transition period.  Right now it's chilly & stuffy, not a good combination. I'll probably have to leave a window cracked tonight to let in some fresh air.  Last night the chilled, humid air got pretty thick & unpleasant even with a fan.   

However, this has been good sleeping weather.  Which is always good news.  


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pissy Utility Companies...

Most of our utilities bills are due around mid month in my area, with the exception the gas bill.  That particular bill is due whenever Little Bunny  Fu-Fu moons the billing department manager at the gas company.  Fu-Fu likes to do his mooning usually between the 8th to the 13th of the month, sometimes as late as the 15th.  But not this month, no Fu-Fu, decided to be a real pain.  He mooned & the bill was due on the 6th.  

Lets take a look at this:

  1. Our checks arrive between the 1st & the 3rd
  2. The 3rd was Saturday of Labor Day weekend, mail & banks mostly worked a half day at best.
  3. The 4th & 5th were the Sunday & Monday of Labor Day weekend, therefore no mail.
  4. Tuesday the 6th, the gas bill's due date is the first chance to actually mail the bill after getting in checks.
  5. The mail or the electronic option at the bill-pay places in my area would've taken at least 2 days to clear. The bill would have been 2 - 3 days delinquent.
  6. The due date cost us 2 days, the holiday costs 2 + days.
Luckily when we were planning our week on Saturday, we noticed the very early due date on the bill & called in the payment.  That was another $4.    The gas company was trying to catch people off guard & get them to screw up their averaging plans, if they were on them.  Many people might not have noticed & kept paying their low late summer gas bills & never known they were no longer averaged until the first big winter bill kicked in & surprised them.

I wold say I was being paranoid, but this isn't the first time the gas company has pulled this crap with us.  A little over a year ago, we posted a bill & cleared one day late.  We weren't notified or issued a late charge.  Instead the next month were issued a bill for $0 & having a slight credit.  They had knocked us off the average plan & never informed us.  My roomie called them & they informed her that we were no longer averaged & if we wished to be back on the plan we'd have to pay the money we would've actually owed them for the month.  We got back on averaging & up til this month we've stayed on top of the gas bill & it's ever changing due date.

This may sound like a little thing, but to have to constantly worry about this bill is frustrating.  I know we could use direct billing.  However, if the due date is before our checks arrive, we'd be out the overdraft money.   I hate my gas  company for this stupid bill date issue of theirs. AOG representatives aren't that easy to deal with either.  When you go to pay a bill via phone, they'll charge you extra just to talk to a person instead of a computer.

Oh well, it's paid.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Finally, A Chill...

I woke this morning to a chill in the air.  Weird, considering two days ago I had on the AC.  I hope the weather doesn't just hop from hella hot to wickedly cold.  For once I'd like to transition between the seasons.  We haven't had transition periods this year.  It started off frigid, then flooded, then cyclonic, then beyond hot & now nippy.

Oh well, I do gripe a lot about the weather.  But, the weather really messes with my health.  It screws with my sleep & just about every aspect of my life.  When you're +, you try to control the things you can, but there are a lot of things you just have no influence over.

Maybe it will warm back up a bit once, Tropical Storm Lee is done & we can actually get some mellow weather for a while.  


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Being Botted...

On August 29th I did a short post, because my internet provider was being crappy due to some minor bad weather.  A sneeze is enough to knock out my cable internet.  I unfortunately am a Suddenlink user, it's all that's available in my area that isn't DSL.  A person my roomie chats with lives in the path Hurricane Irene took into New Jersey & not once did she lose here internet connection.  The gist of my original post was that her connection stayed on during a hurricane & mine died out due to some thunder.  I cut my post short that day because the net kept flickering in & out.

It's a done deal or so I thought.  Come Friday, September 2nd this comment arrived:

Suddenlink Ashley said...

Hi – my name is Ashley, and I’m with Suddenlink. I’m sorry to hear about your recent issues with your high speed internet. I’d be happy to work with management in your area to resolve. Please feel free to contact me directly at: ashley-AT-suddenlink-DOT-com. Thank you.

At first I thought OK, then it hit me, Suddenlink Ashley isn't one of my followers.   How did she find my post in the first place.  So, I googled  words & concepts from my short post.  I crossed them with the word Suddenlink & still nothing.  I kept searching & then it hit me that I had used another name for my provider in the post, a common put-down from Suddenlink is Suddenstink.  Believe me in my area, the ladder is far more applicable. 

Then I thought, they have people or bots running searches on the word suddenstink & then react to them.   They probably think they're trying to do some damage control, but actually it was just sort of creepy. I may get another comment from Ashley or another Suddenlink searcher, but I won't bother replying to them.

The reason is simple.  I have spent hours over the years talking to Suddenlink's tech people.  This has solved nothing.  If my net goes out & I call them, my town & the surrounding areas are always on the list of affected areas.  However, there are about three other areas that are almost always on that list as well & they are no where near me.  The problem with the cable internet in my area & most likely those other areas is simple.  The cable the net runs on was installed somewhere in the 1980's.  It's 25+ frickin' years old & they won't replace the cable or the outside boxes.  When something screws up, they do some form of patch job on the issue & cross their fingers it holds for more than a week.

Suddenlink's problem is easy, they're too cheap to fix the cables in my area.  These cables have been owned by at least four different cable providers & only the first one installed new cable.  If this company wants my area to be happy with it, then replace the lines.

Hope you guys have a better cable company than I do.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

3/4 Of The Way There...

It is the eighth month anniversary of this blog.  Wow.  I am so surprised I kept this thing going.  I am amazed that it got anything posted to it during all this heat.  Then again, I mostly just griped about the heat.  

This has been a busy week.

  • My birthday
  • The start of the month
  • Bills are arriving
  • This blog's anniversary
I'm sure there are other things, but those are the one's that came to mind right at the moment.  The point is this month is off & running.  I am sincerely hoping for my sake & this blogs, that September is kinder than the previous months have been.

Some of you might think acknowledging the little things in your life, like my getting this far in my blog, is a silly thing.  I disagree, if  you don't recognize your accomplishments, then who will?  

Have a great day


Friday, September 2, 2011


I didn't really welcome the month in appropriately yesterday.  But September is here & hopefully it will bring good things for me like:

  • Children being back in school & not at the stores while I shop
  • Lower temperatures
  • New & Improved TV.  The commercials say it's all better than ever, so who I am I not to buy the hype
  • Maybe a little rain
  • Better moods due to better weather
September is my birth month & I get along with it much better than my birthday.  September brings the harvest & pre-Halloween goodies like Carnivals & State Fairs.  September brings in my adult favorite season, Fall.  As a kid it was Summer, but that season & I have had a falling out.

I hope September brings good things for you.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Da Dum...

Today is a day that I am not overly fond of at all.  Today is my birthday.  The reason I dislike this day has nothing to do with my actual age.  I'm not that into arbitrary numbers.

The reason is because I've just never really identified with this day or had it be that identified with me.  Growing up, my birthday was always supplanted by Labor Day weekend activities.  If school was actually in session, it was just beginning & no one would have had time to get into the swing of birthdays at school again.  If someone did acknowledge my birthday as a child, it was in the manner they choose & really had little to do with me.

As I got older things didn't change much in regards to this day.  It was a day of other people's activities & a day when a lot of crap just seemed to go wrong for me.  I may have been born on the first of September, but it certainly was not my day.

I've never been a big fan of holidays, I've gotten better with the other "non-me" ones, but I'm still not a fan of this day.  It's just a reminder that I don't identify with it & maybe I don't relate to the age issue, because I never envision myself as my age & never have.   I've never envisioned myself as the person who is physically in this world at that moment.  I just haven't.

Annoying to bad things happen on or around my birthday.  Tires need replaced, parents go on hiatus, pets pass away, etc...  Even when I try to make the best of the day, it seems to flop.  There isn't anyone around to do anything with, the funds are drastically low or there just isn't anything I want to go do.  I've got enough junk, I don't need or even really want any particular thing.  

I guess the only thing I want, is for this day to go away as fast as possible.  The longer it's here, the worse things are apt to get.   If the days on the calendar had Facebook pages, September the first, would not liked by me.  

Wake when it's the second...
