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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hello August...

I woke to a chilly, August morning, it was 64 F.  I had a little light coming through my windows, but not much.   Sunrise is already back to being at 6:30.  

Today or tomorrow my newish, car insurance should make it's withdraw.  It's only the 2nd round with them, so I'm keeping an eye on it.   I hate not being able to trust this yet.  It's just another lit bit of agitation.

When I young.  I would spend every possible minute outside.  I'd run across fields, play in creeks, make hideouts under bushes.  Anything to avoid going home.  Not matter where I was living, I'd be out as much I could.  It didn't matter if I didn't know anyone else where we were.  I'd do it because whatever place I was living always had something in common.  I wasn't wanted there.  

No one ever directly said that to me.  But they did it in a multitude of other ways, like leaving or sending me some place else for "my own good".  I hate that statement.  Not once has it ever be good for me, when someone said something was happening for, "my own good."  It was always for someone else.

So, I stayed outside.  I ran, jumped, climbed, swam...  I  tried not to cry,  be scared, be nervous, care that I wasn't wanted there.  I hated the moment I had to go home.  The instant I had to go inside for anything, all their displeasure would hit me like a wave. At least during the warmer parts of the year, I could be outside away from most people. Even if it was scary & lonely sometimes.

The warm times of the year were my solace & the cooler months were hard.   You can only avoid them seeing you for so long in a house.  Every day, in a thousand ways they made you knew you weren't wanted, that you were a nuisance, a burden.   Dying would've been easier than my childhood of anger, desertion & chaos.

Summer still offers me a bit of that, even if I no longer run in the fields.  Winter is still the thing that traps me inside, with closed windows, old air & stale smells.  With the Sun I can stretch out & be more me.  When it's cold, I just want to curl up & hide.  I  hate that I ever grew up & came to understand this all as an adult.  At least as a kid, I could have my fantasies & make-believe reasons behind all the anger aimed at me.  Now, I can't.

August is here.  There's only a single day of mid 90s temps in the 15 day forecast.   When I saw that, part of me just fell away.   I'm not ready for this.  Soon, it will be cold & the windows will be closed.  I will cooped up & more alone.   If I'm going to die in this stupid town, I hope it doesn't linger too long.  Everyday I hate this place a little more.  It's like it's all I have left are dark things. There's not much a of me left anymore.  

Be kind to others, strays & most importantly yourself.  Few others will be do it for you.


PS. - August, I hope you can hold on to the Sun for a little while longer.  I'm not ready to close the windows yet.

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