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Thursday, August 2, 2018

2nd Day Of August...

The beginning of the month is always busy for us.  It'll be busier now that my roomie will be seeing her friend in Fort Smith more.  It just means more planning.  

This morning was nice.  It had light.  An outdoor cat put on a show by climbing the crepe myrtle higher than any cat before her.  Amazingly, she got herself down with no drama & a fair amount of grace.  Obviously, she isn't 1 of our cats.   Our cats think being graceful is tripping over your own feet walking across the living room.

There's been some talk about protease inhibitors lately.  It seems they may have been less safe than previosuly thought.  There are a host of complications that may be more common than initially believed.   Some will be upset by that, I'm not.    I was on them & they may have done me harm.  But it was what we had at the time.  If they know now & they're taking action to deal with these products, it would seem that's the best they can do.  We had a choice, take a possibly risky medication & live or refuse the medication & possibly die.  Not great options, but they were the choices we had.

I've got to go shopping, so this is it for now.  Take care.


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