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Friday, August 10, 2018

No Fun Day...

Yesterday was rough.  My schedule was off from normal.  The morning was busy.  My roomie was out.  I was OK until the afternoon.  Then I started feeling bad.   I was tired, had a lot of congestion, slight headache, achiness & felt queasy.    

I didn't know what was going on with me, but I didn't want to eat much of anything.   Apparently the cats weren't feeling much better.   When I checked on their food later, they'd barely eaten anything.   I was trying figure out what was wrong with me.  My blood pressure was low & the longer the day went the worse I felt.  My roomie got home & started feeling out as well.  I guess there was something in the air.  By about 8 PM I was feeling better, it took her until almost 11 to feel any improvement.  I'm still not sure what it was, but it wasn't fun.

I've got plans for today, so this is it for now.  

Take care.


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