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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Beginning Of The Stuff...

We have to go out for a bit, to handle some stuff due to how things fell at the beginning of the month.  This means I will be at Walmart on a Saturday.   I don't like being at Walmart on Saturdays, this won't become a habit. Other things can change before this happens again.   Saturday's there can be hellish, every person in town is there.

At least it was a bright morning.   

Unless the forecast changes, Tuesday may be our last day in the 90's.  That sucks.   That means it's already cooling  & Fall is even closer than I thought.   Some schools have already started.  That is seriously crappy.  This Summer was somewhat of a disappointment.  After last Winter, I needed a lot more.  Oh well, I guess some other people are happy it'll be cool soon.  

I hope they freeze solid.

I've got to get.  Take care.


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