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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Telemedicine Morning....

This has been a rough beginning of the week.   We had the trip to Tulsa, the humidity has been awful, ragweed is high, the neighbors are loud & everyone is mowing.  Even we got mowed last night.   The smell was pretty awful as he mowed & the yard was somewhat seedy.

Now, I have to get ready for a Telemedicine appointment about 9.  At least it's nearby.  I couldn't handle another trip right now.   We have some stuff to tend to tend this afternoon.  It's nothing big, but it does require us going out again.   Then the errands should be done for the day. 

I just woke up & I'm tired.  It looks like Friday & Saturday might actually heat up again.  Then it's back down into the 80s.   The sunrise keeps creeping back later & later. Last week it was at 6:30, now it's almost 15 minutes later.   This is all very draining.


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