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Friday, August 3, 2018


I write a  blog.  I express my opinions & perspectives.  I don't try to inflict my opinions on others.  I expect those that don't agree with me, simply not to read my blog.  It's that simple.

But, it's not.

Everyday, in every matter, from politics to medicine to entertainment, people are inflicting their beliefs on others with a zeal that should be reserved fantasy, whirling dervishes.  They carry their version of reality like a bomb to drop on everyone in their path.   They have the only valid opinion, the only REAL truth.

They use this to affect elections, medical advancements, even how well movies do at the theatre.  They are ideology monsters.  They should avoided if possible.  There is no winning with these beasts.  Don't even try.  So far, it's illegal to shoot them.  

Everyday I read about things that will impact my life being altered & affected by others who have no real connection to me or the things I need.  But they have their feels, opinions & TRUTHS.  

If you have an opinion on a matter, that's great.  But that's all it is, an opinion.  Just because you believe something, doesn't make it a fact.  Just because feel morally superior doesn't give you the right to bother others.  These people just use their "beliefs" as an excuse to bully, molest & harm others.

Again avoid whenever possible.


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