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Sunday, August 5, 2018


Yesterday wasn't easy on me.  My schedule was altered & we had to go out.   Walmart was very busy, due to a tax-free weekend on kids/school stuff.  They were even more understaffed at customer service than usual.   On top of that, they were painting the building's exterior.  The paint was potent.  It screwed with my breathing & how I felt for the rest of the day.  We tried to grab something to eat out, that didn't go well.  The whole trip was irritating.

I spent the day trying to recover.  It was a little too warm, but not enough to turn on the AC.  I looked out the window & I saw leaves on a nearby tree were starting to fade.  I could feel the weight of it hitting me.  The 1st visual sign, Summer was actually ending.  My Hummers barely got here this year.  Maybe they found better eating elsewhere.  The lightning bugs have gone.  We didn't even really get June Bugs this year.  This Summer was weird, short & disappointing.

My neighbor is trying to sell her house.  The family behind us has moved.  It seems everyone is leaving again.  I don't feel connected to this place at all, except through the strays & they tend to vanish.  Everyone else is going on new adventures & here I sit.  Soon, I won't know anyone even by name.


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