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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Input & Aspirin...

This article is about research into the use of daily, low-dose aspirin to aid in preventing the spread of HIV.  I don't understand all the in's & out's.  It concerns inflammation & aspirin's ability to lower that condition.  Interesting read.

We saw Christopher Robin yesterday & it was great.  I'm glad we were able to see this is in the theater.  If we'd listened to the critics, we may not  have.   I use the word, critic, loosely.  These weren't people providing proper critical analysis of a piece.  No, they were mostly whiny, self-aggrandizing, narrow-minded brats.  That assessment of them is me being kind.  The reviews were awful.  I hate Yelp & other similar services.  It made these people's already gargantuan sense of self worth grow to a planetary size.  Their ego's & conceit know no bounds.

We waited & saw people, everyday folk, not alleged critics, were loving the movie.  I'm glad we ignored them.  The point is, even though others' input can be nice or even helpful, the decision is yours & you have to accept the consequences.  This movie was wonderful.  We had a good outing.  If we'd listened, we wouldn't have went.  That would've been because we placed stock in the word of strangers & their soap-box, fist-waving, ideology based blasting of a film.  

Your choices are yours.  Make sure you're making them for you.


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