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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Articles & August...

It's weird, normally I can't find a single article.  Today there's a flood.  So here they are.

This article discusses the surge of HIV in Massachusetts due to opioids, mainly fentanyl.   Interesting & depressing read.

This article is about Gilead & it's attempts to make us believe they only made PrEP to prevent HIV & not for it's market value.  Yeah sure.  Run all the commercials about condoms you want.  It's years too late & way too little.  Gilead is a cash sucking parasite that just happens to make decent medications.

These articles, A, B, C, are about why some talented doctors are leaving the field of HIV treatment.  It's scary, depressing & understandable.  The last article also pushes why the field can be rewarding for doctors new to their careers.  Good luck with that sell.

It's August & I'm getting anxious.  My roomie will be gone on Thursday & it's not going to be easy on either of us.  She has to get up early & leave.  I will be alone from 10 the previous night until 5 the next day.   That may not seem  like a lot to some people. Some day's it's nothing for me.  Other days, it's difficult.   Especially those days when it's dreary.  I really wish I could leave before Falls arrives.  I'd like to leave looking forward to something, then wait around until when I haven't wanted anything in forever.  This is exhausting.  I'm tired of echos.


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