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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Already Over It...

My roomie does some things for her best friend.  It requires her to go to Fort Smith at an ungodly hour.  It jacks up her day before, during & after.  But, hey it's for a friend.  So, she tries.

It'd be nice if there was a little more consideration on her friend's part.  That will NEVER happen.  Her friend is very self-oriented & only pays attention to anything when she absolutely has to, even then it's amazing when she does.  The problem is this screws with my roomie's schedule, which in some ways affects mine.  

Tomorrow will be the 1st time my roomie's gone over to help out in a while.  Still, already, her friend has screwed things up.  She forget to tell my roomie accurate times & it'll be several hours more & so sorry to F'up your life, but not really.  This woman is never sorry as long as she gets her way.  SUCH A DAMN BRAT.  She always has an excuse or out.  

We already had plans for the following day.  We'll probably still be able to pull them off, but it'll require some alterations on my part.  It'll be far more tiring on us.  But, hey, as long as Brat-Chick gets her damned way. All's good, right?  NO!

People need to learn that last minute changes are on them & not anyone else.  My roomie offered a solution, but no, her friend didn't like that idea.  It wasn't what she wanted.  It's OK if she screws up others lives, but don't you dare make her feel put upon.

I'm done ranting. Not at being irritated, but done ranting for now.    Some people need to seriously pull their heads out.


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