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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Word Choice & Resistance...

This article is a piece on the issue of drug-resistant HIV.  This may be about places in Africa, but resistance to common HIV drugs has been reported in Canada, Russia & many places of lesser financial means.   Some look at this as  an isolated issue, but it isn't.  At some point HIV, was an isolated issue, just like West Nile, SARS, Ebola, etc...  Nothing viral, stays isolated for long as people travel  & trade globally.

When it comes to being chronically ill, especially with something as stigmatized as HIV, you have to take note of people's word choices.   Like the words of "Opportunity" & "Burden".   People, like big pharma, who make their wealth off the ill, see & describe HIV as an opportunity.  A chance for them to make billions.  People who foot the bill or provide the care are prone to use the word burden.  HIV+ people are a burden on society & its resources.  

I know these things are true, but it gets really hard to hear that you're viewed just as an asset &/or a liability.  Ask any unwanted kid.  I won't tell you how to speak, I think that's wrong.  I'd ask you to be aware of your word choice.  If you're going to be a bitch, at least do it on purpose & with thought.   A little style wouldn't hurt either.


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