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Friday, August 24, 2018


I'm dealing with some unsettled things.  I haven't felt "well" in quite a while.  My definition of "well" keeps downgrading.  I don't need more stress, but life keeps delivering it daily.  

My dentist has changed again.  I'm not sure if the dentist bought out the location or if the company was sold to another.  Probably the latter.  My primary care provider may be in the same place.  Because of decisions on his part, he may soon be unable to be my primary physician.  I hope not, but there's not much I can do in this situation, except react.  I still need more info on the matter before decisions are made as to my next step regarding this agitation.

My roomie's uncle is coming in this weekend.  There's an ailing family member he wants to visit.  Here's hoping all this goes well.  We don't need more change or stress right now.


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