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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Good Bye July...

This is the last day of July. It wasn't a bad month.  We had a couple of really hot days & more really humid days.  This is weird, normally I'm OK with July ending.  But, this year, it's bothering me.  

This has been a weak Summer.  I didn't get near what I needed out of it.  Maybe some of that was my doing.   Neither did my yard plants.   None of them, other than mint, are doing as well as they should be.  The largest of the elephant ears are half the size they should be.  This has been a much darker, cooler Summer.

There are still some mid 90's in the forecast, not many. Summer is ending.  August is the last meteorological month of the season.  Even though the September equinox, Mabon, isn't until September 21st.   

It's taken me a long time to get to where I could deal with all the baggage that comes with my Birthday at the 1st of September.  Now, I'm having problems dealing with the entire dark half of the year.   I could let go of Halloween & Christmas.  I can get candy year round & Santa should've came earlier.  I'd gladly sleep through these months.

This morning was a bit brighter.  That helped a lot.  It got hazy soon after.   At least I got to wake up better than I have for days.  I do not appreciate this upcoming season.  I'm moving from sad, anxiousness to just being pissed off about it.  I'd gladly give up all that happens in those months just to stay in the light.

Good By July, this year you will be missed.  


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