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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

New Pill On The Block...

Gilead's leading HIV med Biktarvy is about to be challenged by a new 2-drug regimen GlaxoSmithKline has in final stages of development.  The once daily pill hasn't been named yet but is similar to ViiV's Juulca.  Juluca is a combo of dolutegravir & rilpivirine.  While GSK's new med is basically Triumeq minus the Abacavir.  That'd mean the patient wouldn't need an Abacavir sensitivity test.

Juluca came out last year & GSK's med could be approved later this year or 2019. The best things about 2-drug regimens are that they should have lower cost, less potential reactions/interactions & any problems with the med should be easier to decipher.  2-drug regimens may not be the answer for every situation.  But, every bit helps & keeps the science moving forward. 

I appreciate GSK & ViiV more than Gilead.   Gilead has allowed it's drive for profits to push PrEP over other avenues.  The majority of Gilead's recent HIV meds are variations on Truvada.  Most of their meds contain the same 2 primary meds at varying dosages plus 1 or 2 differents drugs.  It's all basically varying degrees of PrEP.  IMO, GSK's singular approach & mentality is a problem.

Take care.


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