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Friday, July 20, 2018


This article discusses complacency towards HIV.  In this 4th decade of fighting the virus, we've got reasonably good at testing & developing regimens.   We're still lacking affordability & distribution.   Worse, we're barely passing at testing & utterly failing at prevention.   This treatment as prevention plan is failing.

There are so many places where we could reach out & teach people about HIV prevention.  There are just as many where we could push testing & safer sex options.  But we don't.  We allow the stigma of the illness, our fear of change & our almost lackadaisical attitudes about HIV  to rule our approach to fighting this virus.  

This is how you lose the fight against AIDS.  This is how the plague comes back bigger, badder or more unstoppable than before.  So many early activists have been talking about this recently.  Discussing  how people today are just accepting HIV & getting comfortable with it.  Most of these people weren't young when they 1st started fighting in the early 80's, that's over 35 years ago.  This is no longer their fight.  They did their due.

What will the rest of us do?


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