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Monday, July 30, 2018

New Test & Day 4...

This article details a new test for detecting viral loads.  With the old test, it could take several days or more to get results.  This test can return them in an hour.  That would be a great help for everyone, especially those being treated at telemedicine & rural clinics.  This means quicker reactions to tests & better viral maintenance.   It's not here in the US yet, but this could really be beneficial.

It's day 4 of the morning glum.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better.   This hurts.  It's not just a matter of emotion or anxiety.  My body aches, my pulse is fast, blood pressure's higher, eyes feel swollen & my head is thudding.  I hate this weather.  

I knew it was coming last night.  I woke to go to the bathroom & my body was already reacting to it.    I fell back asleep & had a serious stress dream.  It was the 1st stress dream I've had in a while.  It wasn't even about anything stressful.  Still, I was anxious & twitchy when I  woke.

This is still July.  I'm really worried about mid-Winter.  I resent losing my bright days.  I hate the time changes.  It never makes my mornings brighter.  It just shortens the hours I have decent light.  Soon, it'll be dark by 4:30.  This drear makes me feel almost as bad as HIV ever did just in a different way.


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