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Monday, July 9, 2018

Dry Mornings...

Summer is here.  Even with the cooler temps the last few days, I'm waking dehydrated.  Dehydration is a concern for anyone.  It can cause a host of health issues from dry skin, anxiety, tiredness, fainting, confusion, low-blood pressure, affected heart rate, etc...  It is a serious matter.

Even more serious for anyone with a chronic illness.  HIV is prone to cause HIV, most often due to gastrointestinal issues.  It can also impact the bodies ability to deal with liquids & electrolytes. HIV is a compounding illness, the more it affects, the more it can affect.  Each new reaction to the virus weakens your system & makes you more prone to other conditions. HIV & it's meds can lead to diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, which can lead to tiredness, which can lead to stress, which can lead to anxiety & so on. 

With the Summer heat, HIV meds, the virus, fans & everything else, I'm waking up dehydrated.  I start my more with an assortment of liquids in abundance.  It still takes a couple of hours before I start to feel better.  That's even after trying to hydrate the day before & having water to drink throughout the night.  Dealing with dehydration is an ongoing process.  It never really stops, it only gets easier when the temps go back down in the Fall.

Take care, stay hydrated.


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