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Saturday, July 7, 2018

More Talk & A Little Tired...

Happy 1st Saturday of July, hurrah.  It could be a holiday somewhere, for something.  It's definitely someone's unbirthday, even mine.    The weather has been seriously odd lately.  From really hot & humid, to far less warm, but still humid.  It's not been a fun ride.

There's more talk of an HIV vaccine.  I'm not going into detail about it yet.  It's a topic that's been in the articles numerous times before & never panned out so far.  Let's see where this gets to before we discuss it again.   At least they're trying.

Yesterday was a busy day for me.  I ran over to Fort Smith to pick up my roomie & some food.  Then we got home & it was hot.  Then the weather did another shift down.  It cooled some, but not enough to deal with the humidity.  

A pretty much, life-long friend of my roomie's came over & hung out.  I'm really not used to this much commotion.   Apparently, I'm out of practice.  I didn't do much & I'm still tired this morning.  Who know you had a social muscle that had to be exercised?   There was pizza, people & laughing at this house.  It probably thought someone had converted it to an asylum.  

Take care.


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