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Saturday, July 28, 2018


I've been doing research into dawn simulators.  I thought I'd found a possible option.  It had a reasonable price & seemed simple enough.  But, when I looked at reviews, a lot of people mentioned mechanical issues.  This would be an online purchase for me & I'd have little way of recouping my lose if it broke.  On to more research.

I tried a new eye allergy med.  It was something my optometrist recommended.  I had a bit of reaction to it.  It may have just been it was new & there were a ton of fans blowing.  I wound up with dry, puffy, red eyes after the 2nd use.   My eyes are sensitive to meds, so I'll back off for now.  Maybe I'll try them again later.

2 tries, 2 fails, but at least I'm trying.


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